Dog Food According To Its Characteristics

Dog food according to its characteristics

Part of taking good care of your dog is knowing how to feed it, but what many owners don’t take into account is that dogs have food needs that go well beyond their breed or size.

Let’s look at some of the characteristics that require a specific diet, in which certain types of foods will work best,  according to certain needs of the animal’s stage or health:

Feeding for puppies

Dogs younger than one year have energy needs that are very different from adult dogs, they also need special care. During the first few weeks of life, puppies get everything they need from their mother.

As soon as they have weaned, approximately between a month and a half and two months old, the puppies must consume specialized foods for this stage of life,  which is characterized by foods that have a high content of colostrum, which is the main component of milk. maternal.

Likewise, they should start consuming animal protein different from what the mother provides them, as well as looking for foods rich in vitamins that allow a correct development of brain and muscle activity, in addition to a nutritional content rich in animal fats, because the puppies have to increase in weight quickly.

Food for elderly dogs

As with puppies, older dogs require special food. As it is difficult for older dogs to digest elements such as glucose, they must be provided with an alternative energy source.

Likewise, fats and proteins must be controlled because, by decreasing physical activity, they tend to gain weight quickly.

Oral health is of paramount importance. At ages above seven, dogs tend to lose their teeth as a result of natural wear and tear, so you’d better give them a soft or semi-moist diet that, moreover, will help older dogs with digestion.

Feeding obese dogs

How to feed dogs

Overfeeding is a frequent problem that implies the fact that dogs will suffer from obesity. This causes the appearance of different classes of diseases, such as arthrosis, which endanger the dog’s quality of life and reduce life expectancy.

To treat an obese dog, it is advisable to offer a diet high in fiber and low in fat, as well as always feeding him at the same time and removing the food container as soon as he finishes eating.

In addition, it is suggested to supplement the diet with daily exercise to help them reach their ideal weight.

Dogs with skin problems and allergies

There is a difference between dogs with sensitive skin and dogs with allergies, even though  both situations manifest themselves in the dog’s skin and coat.

In the case of dogs with sensitive skin, this is mainly due to a genetic disposition and is present in dogs of breeds such as Bulldog and Boxer. In this case, these dogs can be treated with foods rich in fatty acids, such as omega 3 (for example, fish, especially salmon).

In the case of dogs with allergies, it is recommended to consume hypoallergenic food and apply an elimination diet, in order to determine which product or products are generating the allergic reaction in the dog.

Food for dogs with sensitive stomachs

As with skin sensitivity, some dogs have a tendency to develop digestive problems,  or they have a more sensitive stomach and digestive system.

In the case of breeds such as Poodles and, in general, small dogs, it is common for them to develop this class of problems, so it is recommended to feed them with food that is easy to digest, especially those that contain lamb or egg.

Feed for neutered dogs

correct food

Neutering  is one of the most used ways to control the canine population, as well as being an element to reduce aggression, in the case of males, in the case of females, it reduces behavior problems during heat.

However, this situation tends to increase their chances of suffering from obesity if the dog does not exercise properly.  Therefore, it is recommended, at least for the first few months after surgery, that he have a low-fat diet.

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