Does Your Dog Have Matted Fur? Meet The Stripping Technique!

Does your dog have matted fur?  Discover the Stripping technique!

When we need to decide which dog to adopt, we think: “A short-haired one will not shed hair and will be easier to brush, but the long-haired ones are so beautiful…”. What a dilemma! But beauty can always influence and, in the end, we decided on a long-haired one, although we’ve seen lots of very beautiful short-haired ones as well. Therefore, today we present the Stripping technique. Want to know what it is? Let’s do it.

The thing is, the feeling of putting our hands through a bush of fur led us to choose it. When it comes to a puppy, it doesn’t seem all that difficult, but as it grows, we come to realize that it is not only long-haired, but easily matted. How to comb it? Easy, get to know the Stripping technique.

What are matted-haired dogs

things-that-every dog-should-do

The matted-haired dogs are those that do not shed fur, such as the Schnauzer, the Poddle, and even the Teckel. While it’s true that there are breeds that, despite having fur that often tangle, are easier to comb than others, this type of fur will always be a problem without you wanting to make it soft and tidy.

For this, the Stripping technique was created, about which we will tell you everything you need to know.

What is the Stripping Technique

Stripping will not only help make your dog’s fur prettier, it will also help maintain the health of your skin. The name, Stripping, means “stripping”.

The downside of matted fur dogs is that they do not exchange fur. Therefore, dead hair can clog the hair follicles and create infections and other problems for your pet. In addition, it could paralyze the growth of new hair.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the dead hair to make room for the new one and help the skin to transpire. The consequences of not removing this hair are:

  • texture loss
  • pore infection
  • Hair loss of color and shine
  • Decrease in protective hair, which protects you from cold and heat
  • Fur with us and wire

How is the Stripping technique performed?

Just like, when we are going to do a treatment on our hair, they ask us to “take it dirty”, with our dog they will demand the same. Therefore, it is recommended not to bathe the dog several days before the Stripping interview.

After that, you should not even bathe it until a few days have passed to allow the skin to transpire and the pores to unclog. The pores will be open, so bathing the animal could cause soap to enter the pores, causing problems.

The first thing you do is pull out the covering hair that is already dead. For this, there are special thimbles with a kind of hooks, which will hook into the hair and pull it out. Professionals are experienced in doing this without hurting your pet, don’t worry.

Then, check for a layer of hair on the inside that sticks out to the outside. If this happens, a kind of comb called “coat-king” will be used. This should always be handled by a professional, as excessive use could weaken the coat.

The cost of this technique is 50 Euros (about R$175), which will probably make you think a little before spending. However, you can also do this technique at home.

How to Stripping at Home


Remember that the fur must be dirty. Then, “mess up” the strands with your hands so that they are on top, pull the fur that is deeper in the coat, sliding your fingers from the bottom to the top. Dead hair should come off easily.

With a special stripping comb, we will go through the entire coat, to remove the dead hair. It won’t be necessary to do it all in one day, you can do it in several days, little by little.

The downside of stripping at home is that if there is an underlying layer of hair, it will be very difficult to remove it without the necessary tools or without knowing how to use it.

If you thought your dog’s fur was a goner, try the Stripping technique.

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