Daily Walk: Five Reasons To Stay In A Routine

Most dogs need a daily walk, although very active dogs may require more. The amount and vigor of the walk will depend on the breed, age and level of physical preparation of the animal.
Daily walk: five reasons to stay in a routine

In general, we accept the fact that  pets have a beneficial effect on their guardians’ health. In addition, the daily walk with the dog has been identified as part of the benefit that this coexistence provides to human beings.

Regular exercise with your pet is good for you and your dog’s health and can be a lot of fun. There’s nothing like an exercise buddy waiting at the door with a wagging tail and super excited! Today we’re going to talk about the dog’s daily walk and why it’s such an important part of the dog’s routine.

1. Daily walking is an excellent exercise

Without a doubt, walking your dog every day is a great way to keep him active and in good physical condition. Today, it is recognized that daily walking helps to preserve a dog’s muscles and joints.

It emphasizes the importance of keeping the dog at a healthy weight. If you are overweight,  walking is a great way to help your dog lose those extra pounds. This intervention will reduce your pet’s risk of developing chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, liver disease and diabetes.

The daily walk is an excellent physical exercise.

2. For the dog, walking is also a mental exercise.

Looking in detail, the walk gives the dog the opportunity to explore the neighborhood. In canine physiology, the exploration of the environment is carried out through the sense of smell. For this reason, it is important not to forget to give the animal an opportunity to explore.

It’s important to note the fact that dogs’ main sense is smell. This powerful sense needs a lot of stimulation. In fact, much of the canine brain is dedicated to processing odors. Without a doubt, the simplest thing we can do to enrich your life is to give you time to smell things during your walks.

Obviously, if these “snorting stops” are carried out without the collar, it is important that the dog obeys the “let’s go” command to return to the path. To keep the fun going, it’s a good idea to change the route from time to time.

3. It is an activity that will help you socialize.

While it may seem trivial to us, for a shy dog ​​or puppy, the daily walk means exposure to different people, dogs and situations.

It is important to note that social skills are reinforced throughout the dog’s life with each new person and situation. In this case,  it is also pertinent to introduce small changes in the path, to enrich the social experience.

4. The practice of a daily walk builds your dog’s confidence

Another reason to walk your dog every day is because it’s a great way for the dog to gain confidence. In expert opinion, routines provide structure and stability. This continuity ensures that basic needs (food, water and shelter) are available whenever the animal needs them.

In addition, routine activities such as daily walks and interactive play do much to increase confidence, especially in shy or fearful dogs. Therefore, walking is one of the best ways to keep your dog happy and safe.

It is important to note that  a dog that has its needs met is less likely to enter survival mode. That is, he won’t want to steal the trash, devour the cat’s food, or have fun nibbling on shoes.

Boosts your dog's confidence

5. The daily walk strengthens the bond between the dog and the guardian

Another reason to keep  practicing daily walking is that it strengthens the bond you have with your dog. This activity is very rewarding for dogs and therefore has this effect on their attachment and loyalty to their handler.

In short, in the case of healthy dogs,  walking is a relatively easy activity to perform, which provides great benefits for your pet’s life. Don’t forget that, in the case of dogs that have diseases such as osteoarthritis, the activity plan should always be consulted with the veterinarian.

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