Cockroach Plague Solutions

Solutions for the plague of cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most unpleasant pests to affect homes worldwide. It is therefore necessary to seal places and crevices where they can breed, as well as use home remedies – avoid toxic pesticides – and adopt strong cleaning habits. For example, don’t accumulate garbage, wood or debris where they can hide.

Originally, cockroaches lived outside and even avoided contact with humans to protect themselves. However, the ease of obtaining food, warmth and shelter attracted them to our homes.

The following summarize the best  simple methods and home remedies to combat and prevent the existence of the plagues cockroaches in our house s. These are easy tricks to be performed and very effective in most cases.

Avoiding the plague of cockroaches at home: enhanced hygiene and some care

Cockroaches often enter our homes in search of easy food and a safe, peaceful haven. They usually  settle in the darkest and hottest corners, where there is an abundant supply of food.

These unpleasant tenants in our homes, schools, etc.,  demonstrate great capacity for reproduction and adaptation to different environments. To avoid them, it is better to face the problem at the slightest sign of their appearance.

Therefore,  an indispensable preventive measure to avoid cockroaches at home is to adopt reinforced hygiene habits. We should clean every corner of the house two or three times a week to avoid the accumulation of food scraps. Furthermore, it is essential to keep the rooms ventilated and well lit.

If we have  a small food store, it is important to check that they are well stored  in tight lid containers. It is common for cockroaches to circulate in pantries, kitchen cabinets, etc.


Another fundamental practice is to  sanitize the interior of kitchen furniture and cabinets, at least twice a month. It is important to check for traces of cockroaches, eggs or nests, which means that we may be facing an infestation. In these cases, it is ideal to hire a fumigation professional to eliminate these visitors.

Seal the house to keep out cockroaches

The  cheap, often come into our home through small cracks or holes in the doors, walls or windows. Also, some species are so small that they can nest in these tiny structural flaws.

To avoid the appearance of cockroaches in the house, it is essential to make sure that our house is well closed. We can fill cracks and holes with putty, and seal windows and doors. It also helps to install mosquito nets on windows and doors that face the outside.

Finally, we recommend  avoiding the accumulation of debris, wood, paper or wood in and around the house. In these accumulations, the plague of cockroaches and other insects can develop.

Home Remedies to Avoid Cockroaches at Home

The  constant use of pesticides can pose a risk to our health and the balance of the ecosystem. If we want to eliminate and avoid cockroaches at home, we can count on simple and safe home remedies.


Here are some home-made and cost-effective solutions to combat unwanted visitors:

bay leaves

Placing chopped bay leaves in corners, cabinets, doors and windows helps to keep cockroaches from entering our home. The laurel scent usually scares these insects away quickly.

Onion paste and boric acid

The  onion paste and the boric acid is a home very efficient and affordable medicine  to keep cockroaches away from us. To prepare, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half an onion chopped into very small pieces
  • Four tablespoons of boric acid powder
  • half a cup of wheat flour
  • a pinch of sugar
  • Beer or water in the amount needed to give consistency to the dough

To prepare this home remedy against cockroaches, simply mix the dry ingredients and add the beer or water until you get a doughy consistency. It is important that the mixture is not too liquid. Then, we can  distribute small portions in the corners of our house.

However,  we should not use this home remedy if we have pets in our home. The dough formula is not suitable for consumption and can be toxic when ingested by our animals.

Fresh lavender, oil or fragrance

Despite being highly appreciated by humans,  the scent of lavender acts as a repellent for cockroach pests. The ideal is to place pieces of fresh lavender in corners and other places where there are traces of these insects. Lavender oils or fragrances can also be applied to drive them away.

Mixture of sugar and baking soda

The stomach of cockroaches contains acid to allow digestion of the food consumed. Sodium bicarbonate is a salt with alkaline properties capable of neutralizing an acidic pH. This  mixture of sugar and bicarbonate is therefore an excellent homemade “trap” against cockroaches.

The method is to sprinkle some of this mixture in each corner or  possible hiding places  of the cockroaches in the house. The aroma and flavor of sugar will attract cockroaches, which will not resist ingesting the mixture. However, the  bicarbonate will act quickly on their body and will have a lethal effect on them.

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