Cereals For Dogs: Why Can’t I Give It?

Cereals for Dogs: Why Can't I Give?

The proper diet for our furry friends is always a source of discussion and leads, in many cases, to extreme positions. One such discussion includes whether it ‘s good or bad to include dog cereal in our furry friends’ daily diet.

Positions against cereals for dogs

Those who oppose the use of cereals for dogs  argue that they are not part of their natural diet. As they are carnivores, dogs’ diet must be rich in animal protein. Plus, it doesn’t require carbohydrates, because dogs get their energy from fat.

Many point out that the incorporation of these foods in the diet of dogs took place massively with the development of animal feed. And that, which has resulted in good business for some, is harmful to dogs.

They also preach that the proper diet for our four-legged companions should be adjusted as much as possible to what was their natural diet, before humans domesticated them, since the dog’s organism is not prepared to digest cereals.

Negative consequences of cereal consumption

labrador lying down

As these experts explain, dogs lack the enzymes needed to break the chains of complex carbohydrates (starches).

This generates, for example, an overexertion of the pancreas. Thus, promoting the appearance of certain diseases that, before balanced foods were the basis of the diet of many pets, were not diagnosed so massively as they are today. Between them:

  • Diabetes;
  • Cancer;
  • Obesity;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Joint problems;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Allergies.

before the feed

What is certain is that, before the pet food industry emerged, these furry friends ate how they could or how their owners wanted.

In general, they did it with leftovers from lunch and dinner, whether or not they included cereals and other elements, not all of which were adequate for proper nutrition.

Not to mention abandoned animals, which both in the past and now, survive on what they get from the garbage.

evolution and adaptation

It is also true that everything evolves. A study in the journal Nature confirms, against the opinion of many, that dogs are now tolerant to starch.

According to this investigation, dogs have adapted to diets rich in this complex carbohydrate due to a genetic mutation that currently allows dogs to assimilate it.

The conclusion is that the abandonment of a strictly carnivorous diet may have been the key to this mutation.

But although the inclusion of cereals in the dog’s diet is not harmful, according to the results of this research, the fact that dogs have adapted to the digestion of starches does not mean that these should be their main source of energy.

A balanced diet

dog waiting for feed

Author: Fernando Dall’Acqua

In agreement with this study, some experts in animal nutrition – although they recognize that the dog does not need cereals in their diet –  point out that dogs can consume them, although it is not the best option for an adequate diet.

Giving your furry a good plate of chicken rice or beef with pasta is not a bad thing, unless your pet is gluten intolerance. But it’s not ideal either, as your dog is still a carnivorous animal.

In summary, according to these animal nutritionists, if you give your furry a high-protein diet, you can include a smaller portion of cereal in it.

Healthy and natural diet for your dog

Something that all positions seem to agree on is that the best option for your dog is a homemade food – raw or cooked -, which has animal protein and a smaller proportion of vegetables as its main source.

And, if you choose to feed it with dog food, preferably buy those that expressly indicate that they do not use cereal for dogs and those that use the least amount of preservatives possible.

If you are unsure how to properly feed your four-legged friend, the best thing to do is to consult a veterinarian or an animal nutrition specialist. Don’t be left alone with an opinion and try to draw your own conclusions.

Image credits: Lobato.

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