Caring For A Newborn Orphan Cat

Caring for a Newborn Orphan Cat

Rescuing an orphaned newborn cat is an act of pure love. As much as we wish love to be enough, the feline will still need specific care so as not to jeopardize its health and well-being. The ideal for all mammals would be the possibility of being raised with the mother.  She is the only one who can breastfeed him properly and ensure the development of his immune system.

Below we’ll tell you everything you need to know to care for an orphaned cat.

The good news is that there are a large number of people, institutions and/or companies that share some of their resources to help stray animals. Thanks to the dedication of their time and the sum of contributions they make, animals in a disadvantaged situation can survive until they find a home.

How to act if I find an orphaned newborn cat?

When you encounter a newborn orphaned cat (less than 12 weeks old), it is very likely that it will be very frightened. It is also possible that he will try to defend himself or flee with what little strength he has. Therefore, it  is important to remain calm and be patient at the time of rescue.

It is recommended to wear gloves and not maintain excessive direct contact at this time. The kitten was abandoned and exposed to a huge amount of impurities. It is advisable to take him to the vet immediately.  The professional will examine you and indicate the precautions to be taken to preserve your physical integrity and mental development.

It is best to let the rescued kitten rest in a pet carrier. Or, look for a minimally firm box that can withstand the animal’s weight and movements.

Four practical tips for caring for a newborn orphan cat

Newborn cats

1- Cat with milk or a product indicated for early artificial nutrition.

The biggest risk to a newborn kitten is the vulnerability of its body. It is through feeding with breast milk that puppies are nourished and develop their immune system. In the first few weeks of a cat’s life, it  is critical to provide adequate nutrition to ensure its survival.

In case it is not possible to find a cat with breast milk, the ideal is to consult a veterinarian. Try to find the best artificial breast milk substitute.  There are some brands of powdered milk for newborn cats. The kitten should never be given cow’s milk. Lactose can seriously damage the digestive system and cause feline allergies.

2- Provide warmth and an appropriate environment.

Cats, in general, are much more sensitive to cold than dogs and other felines. Their skin and coat adapt better to temperate and dry climates.

In the first few weeks of life, kittens cannot regulate their own body temperature. The risk of getting sick from the cold or suffering from hypothermia is very high.  Therefore, it is essential to provide heat quickly to the rescued child. A good option is to get a thermal pad and keep a  clean, dry space for it. There the kitten will feel comfortable and warm.

kitten yawning

Another issue is to condition the environment. In colder and more humid countries, it is necessary to pay close attention to this, so as not to expose the kitten. In winter, the heating must be kept at a temperature around 24°C.

3- Prepare a clean and comfortable place to sleep.

A rescued kitten will be vulnerable and scared, so it should feel safe and rest to recover. It is essential to provide a clean, dry and warm place for the animal. In addition, it is recommended to prepare a kind of crib. It could be something as simple as a cardboard box with a soft, clean towel for him to lie down on.

4- Keep it clean and sanitized

After a few weeks of life, cats easily learn to do their physiological needs in the litter box. But  a newborn orphan cat still doesn’t know how to control its own pathways. The mother cat should lick her intimate organs to stimulate the kitten. Therefore, it is essential to sanitize the kittens before and after each meal with a cotton or gauze soaked in warm water.

Orphan kitten drinking milk from a bottle

Then, just place the pussy on a paper or newspaper directly in the litter box, so that it does its needs there.

In some big cities, the uncontrolled breeding of stray cats is a social problem  that affects humans and animals. Therefore, a good option is to neuter the newborn orphaned cat when it reaches adulthood. This will prevent the increase in the number of abandoned cats.

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