Can Puppies Bathe In A Pool?

Only puppies who have received the first cycle of vaccinations and who have been dewormed should bathe in swimming pools.
Can puppies bathe in a pool?

Many dogs like to spend hours having fun with their families in the water. However,  many wonder if it’s bad for dogs to bathe in a pool.

The biggest risks of bathing puppies in the pool happen  in the first months of life, when their health is more fragile. Next, we’ll see if your puppies can enjoy the pool with you in a healthy way.

Can all dogs enjoy the pool?

In principle, all dogs can enjoy the pool with their families. Naturally, as long as this activity is enjoyable for them and their owners. It is important that their bodies and their state of health allow them to enter the water safely.

As with people,  dogs have different personalities, preferences and abilities. Also, the races factor is important to analyze your preference for baths.

Some breeds, such as the Labrador and Golden Retriever, Newfoundland and water dogs, demonstrate a natural aptitude for water activities. These dogs swim perfectly because their bodies have been adapted biologically and historically to be in water.

However,  for brachycephalic breeds, for example, swimming is a challenge due to their physical constitution. Its snout is very ‘flattened’, which naturally makes it difficult for you to breathe and consequently decreases your lung capacity. That’s why these dogs shouldn’t exercise very intensely.

owner with dog in the pool

As is often the case, the most important thing is not your dog’s breed, size or age; but your personality, your state of health and your education. All dogs can enjoy the pool as long as they are physically and mentally prepared  to experience this new experience.

And can puppies also be in the pool?

A newborn puppy is not yet ready to move independently, whether on the ground or in water. Little by little, your best friend will develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially, and may gain greater independence.

But  your little friend will only be able to start walking on the street or gradually adapt to the water, after completing his first cycle of vaccinations and deworming. This way, we can ensure that his immune system is strong enough to live these new experiences.

Also,  before taking your puppy to the water, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian. At the clinic, the professional will be able to check your dog’s health status and guide you through this adaptation process.

Tips for enjoying the pool with your puppies

In addition to consulting the veterinarian, it is also essential to take  certain precautions and preventative measures to ensure your pet’s safety. That’s why we’ll give you some tips to help you enjoy the summer days and have fun with your puppies in the pool.

Dog jumping into pool to catch ball

Never leave your puppy alone in the pool

Even if we have an adapted pool,  we should never leave our dogs alone in the water. Dogs can experience cramps or numbness, which can prevent them from moving properly and getting out of the pool. As a result, the risk of a serious accident becomes very high.

Therefore, the ideal is that  dogs always wear the collar when playing in the water. That way, their owners can move them more easily and get them out of the pool in any emergency.

Hydration and protection from sunlight

Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause not only burns but other serious illnesses such as skin cancer. In pet stores, we find special sunscreens for dogs. It is very important to apply it all over your dog’s skin, taking care not to affect his eyes and mucous membranes.

In addition, it  is essential to reinforce the hydration of our dogs and provide shade during the hottest days. Intense heat can cause dehydration and lead to heat stroke.

Remember to wash and dry your dog very well.

After enjoying a day of swimming with your dog, it will be essential to bathe him in fresh water to remove the chlorine. After showering, it’s time to dry your fur and skin very well, paying special attention to your ears. The accumulation of moisture favors the proliferation of fungi, bacteria, mites and other microorganisms that harm your health.

Offer an appropriate preventive medicine

If we want to enjoy the summer with our puppies in the pool, it is important to reinforce the antiparasitic treatments  with the arrival of summer. We must remember that all dogs need to be dewormed throughout their lives.

Strengthen hygiene

When sharing the pool with our dogs,  we also need to reinforce water hygiene. It is generally recommended to carry out periodic cleanings, every two or three days, to avoid the accumulation of hairs or impurities. Also, you will have to brush your friend’s coat every day to prevent it from accumulating dirt.

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