Can Cats Calm A Baby’s Crying?

Can cats calm a baby's cry?

Even if you think that the dog is man’s best friend, the truth is that cats deserve applause too. In this article, we’ll tell you how cats can soothe a baby’s crying, and the benefits for children of having this pet in the home.

Soothe a baby’s cry, a pussy task

The arrival of a child in the house is an event, not only for the parents and family, but also for the pets. They say that  cats are far more independent than dogs,  and that they don’t care what happens in the home, however, this is not true.

Many pussies have earned the reputation of “nannies” for helping to raise the little ones.  On the internet, there is a very tender video of a cat that can calm a baby’s crying. The scene is beautiful. The child is lying on his bed and starts to cry.

girl kissing a cat

The cat is in the arms of the child’s little sister and is desperate to come to her aid. As soon as the little one lets go of him, he runs and climbs onto the bed to soothe the baby. The little one’s reaction is immediate: he stops crying as if by magic.

And the only thing the cat did was stay by his side as quiet as possible … Face with a face, showing him his love and that he could always trust him.

The relationship between cats and babies (and children)

When we think of the image of an “ideal family”, we imagine parents, children and a dog. However, a cat can also be a perfect pet. It’s even better in many ways, as it doesn’t require as much attention as a dog . The relationship between felines and children is more than interesting. Both will learn from each other and become best friends.

Little ones who have been raised in a home with a cat develop a great sense of responsibility, something that is not so easy for parents to teach through chores and obligations. As in the video of the cat that managed to calm a baby’s crying, the animal also helps to soothe children in any situation.

And that’s not all, since, too, if our kids grow up next to a pussy, they’ll have fewer allergies when they’re older. Being in contact with the animal’s fur strengthens its immune system. For this child-cat relationship to be perfect, the pet must meet some characteristics:

Tolerate loud noises

Frightened or nervous pussies can have a hard time when there are children in the house.

not be territorial

If children take over the intimate space (such as the bed or the litter box), it may be in trouble unless the cat is permissive.

be affectionate

This means that not only allow the family to pamper and kiss you, but also seek the affection of their owners.

be sociable

Lone, independent cats have a life “apart” and pay no attention to children. Therefore, it is essential that the feline is sociable and friendly.

Advice for having children and cats at home

It is very important that everyone respects each other’s spaces. This means, for example, that  the little ones must not touch the animal’s bed  and also that the cat must not climb into the children’s bed (unless this is allowed).

baby playing with orange kitten

Teach your kids that if your pet is sleeping or eating, it shouldn’t bother you. The same goes for when he is scared, nervous or sick. Explain the best places to pet the cat: head, loin and chin. They should also know what habits they can’t have (such as pulling their tail or whiskers).

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