Bergamasco, A Breed Of Dog From The Italian Alps

It is a very intelligent, active, attentive, patient, tolerant, considerate and affectionate dog. This ‘Rastafari’ dog is ideal for socializing with children and other pets and also stands out for having an iron health.
Bergamasco, a breed of dog from the Italian Alps

It’s not been a long time since we talked about Rastafarian dogs and Bergamasco was one of them. It is such a peculiar breed that we believe it deserves its own article. This dog from the Italian Alps has a very distinct appearance and personality. Stay with us to get to know you better!

Bergamasco, everything you need to know about it

History and origin of Bergamasco

As we said before, he hails from the Italian Alps and has been used as a sheepdog for years. The idea of ​​using Rastafarian dogs as shepherds arose with the aim of confusing wolves and other predators. They would think it was a sheep and, upon attacking them, they would be surprised. The lush coat, moreover, protects them from bites.

Interestingly, unlike other breeds,  the origin of this dog is unknown. There are no documents that talk about this, nor any record about the age of existence of the  breed.

Even so, perhaps because of its appearance, perhaps because of its friendliness (characteristic of Italians), this dog  has spread throughout Europe and is even known to have some specimens in America.

Physical characteristics

So, at first glance, it’s obvious that  we should highlight your fur. It is one of the most characteristic Rastafarian dogs, although many confuse it with the Komondor, a Rastafarian of Hungarian origin. His dreadlocked fur is something natural that grows and grows as soon as it is cut, or when combed.


Its texture is rough, and shades of gray are accepted, with spots of that same color  and, sometimes, Isabela’s tone and reddish color. Black, if pure and opaque, can also be accepted. Under no circumstances will white tone be accepted, either unicolor or combined with another shade.

Its height varies between 60 centimeters in males and 56 centimeters in females. The male’s weight is 32 to 38 kilos and females are between 26 and 32 kilos. Despite its size, many consider it a medium-sized dog. Perhaps because of the weight, although it appears to have more, it’s actually your fur that swells up.

Its fur is abundant all over the body, including the ears and legs. There is no part that has less hair. It presents a harmonious shape, with a deep chest and a strong appearance.

The length of the muzzle is equal to the dimension of the skull. This makes your head look big even though it’s well proportioned to the rest of your body.

Bergamasco’s personality and temperament

Like almost all dogs that have been used as shepherds, the Bergamasco is also an intelligent dog  , very attentive, patient and considerate. They are versatile and, in addition to the aforementioned qualities, are  ideal as companions  for the smallest of the household.


In addition, he is a very affectionate and tolerant animal  , so he lets children do everything with him. However, despite their affable nature, they are dogs that  should be socialized from a young age  to avoid alpha male  behavior  . This way you will have a friendly dog ​​with everyone, whether they are children, dogs or adults.

Health and Special Care

One of the main precautions you will have to take with this breed is exercise. It is a very active animal, which has to  burn energy  and strengthen its bones and muscles. Walking and even running daily should be part of your daily routine.

Although your fur has dreadlocks, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wash it. What you shouldn’t do is comb it. Apply only a quality shampoo and a good conditioner to prevent the strands from tangling and to give the hair shine and clean appearance.

In addition, the Bergamasco is a strong dog that doesn’t need much care, but we  recommend that you examine its fur to find parasites or fleas  that can hide in its fur.

If you want a loving, loyal and caring dog, possibly the Bergamasco is the animal you are looking for.

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