Basic Fish Care

In addition to the food, the size of the aquarium or the chosen filter, it is important to place these animals in an environment with adequate temperature, without receiving direct sunlight.
Basic care with a fish

Who hasn’t had at least one fish in their childhood? Few could answer no to that question, but over time we set them aside as pets and decided to choose others when we became adults. However,  basic care with a fish is simple and we can easily put it into practice.

Basic care of a fish?

choosing the species

The first thing you should think about is  which fish to choose. There are freshwater and saltwater fish and basically the latter are best suited for beginners.

But if you are already an expert in this work, because you had a large aquarium as a child, you can opt for saltwater fish, which are beautiful and with curious personalities.

The best way to get your choice right is to buy the fish from a reputable retailer or store.


The  aquarium should be big enough to accommodate all the fish you choose with ease. 

To give you an idea, let’s say that an inch-long fish needs 4.5 liters of water. So if you have 10 fish this size, you will need an aquarium that is at least 45 liters.

The purpose of the aquarium is that the fish can be in its natural habitat and feel comfortable.

aquarium with goldfish

For that, you’ll have to put certain objects inside it, then you’ll have to subtract the space they take up so that each fish has the necessary volume of water.

The best thing is to always opt for an aquarium with 5 or 10 liters more than you calculated,  so you don’t make a mistake.

choose the place

Be sure to place the aquarium away from direct sunlight, as well as on a table that you can easily move around.

Fish are quiet animals and although they can be kept in the living room, this is not recommended as the noise and traffic of people can make them nervous.

Choose a quieter place where no one smokes and light comes in, but not too much. The temperature is not important as it will be regulated inside the aquarium.

The temperature and the filter

Yes, you will have to  regulate the temperature with a heater or thermostat inside the aquarium. Fish need a climate that ranges between 22 and 28 °C.

This should be constant and you can find different heaters to keep it going. Installation instructions are diverse, so read the instructions carefully or ask at the store before purchasing.


The filter will be another necessary object if you don’t want to clean the aquarium every couple of days. There are many different models to choose from on the market, both in terms of size and functions.

Some can reduce chemicals, others waste, or all at once. Depending on the size of the tank, the fish you have and your budget, they will recommend the best for you at the store.

Basic care with a fish

And now comes the easy part of basic fish care. You only have to feed them once a day with little food, as too much can kill them.

Also, if he doesn’t eat everything you give him, the food can clog the filter and this will cause more serious problems.

Fish food is easy to find in stores, although some fish require granules instead of leaves. Ask at the store or at the veterinarian.

Another step to take is to measure the pH at least once a week. With a simple kit you can do this easily. Change the filter every month and remove the dirt that accumulates on the glass with a soft sponge.

It will not be necessary to change the water continuously, but  a partial change to this once a month can solve the pH and dirt problems.

As we’ve seen, fish are simple animals to take care of that don’t require much attention and can bring you more than you might think. Watching them will be a spectacle to enjoy. Try it!

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