Angora Cat Hair Care

Due to this feline’s abundant fur, daily brushing is necessary, otherwise it will form knots, which are difficult to remove without a shave.
Angora cat hair care

If something catches the Angora cat’s attention, it is, without a doubt, its fur. It’s soft, voluminous and always looks straight out of the hairdresser. The coat of our pets needs care ranging from the use of specific shampoos to daily brushing, but what is the care with the hair of the Angora cat?

how is the angora cat

This cat comes from the Turkish town that bears its name  and is characterized by its long soft fur, which resembles fine quality wool.

It is usually white or black, although more and more variants have been admitted and we can see them in grey, brown and mixed.

It is medium in size and, although its legs are small, its body is long and slender, which gives a touch of elegance unique to its breed.

In addition, there are some specimens that have eyes of different colors, a phenomenon that has no scientific cause, but that gives an extra touch of beauty to the lucky ones who can have them as pets.

angora cat with eyes of different colors

How to care for Angora cat hair

If we want the beauty of our Angora cat to last over time, we must take care of its fur as correctly as possible.

So, to do this, follow these tips:


Remember what they say: we are what we eat!  And therefore, food has a great influence on our outward appearance.

In our animals, this principle is also applicable. That’s why, to make the angora cat’s fur look healthy, shiny and silky, give it quality food that provides all the nutrients its body needs.

In addition,  in veterinary stores, you can find excellent quality pet food that has components that help improve the health of your pet’s coat. Although these can be a little more expensive than the usual ones, in the long run it will be worth it, not only because your cat’s fur will look better, but because your health will also be better.


One of the characteristics  of the Angora cat’s fur is that it falls out, and not just in the changing stations. So, as he has many hairs, and these grow very fast, the new ones are displacing the old ones, and this makes him always have hair to eliminate.

While in other pets brushing is important a few times a week, in the Angora cat it has to be done daily, even more than once if you can. This will remove the dead hairs and strengthen the new ones. Of course, remember that you should never brush in the opposite direction of hair growth.

angora cat fur

Brushing daily also prevents knots, another problem their coat often presents. So, if we graduate, and there are many, there will be no choice but to shave him off.


On many occasions, we inform you that the use of our shampoos on our pets is not appropriate. When it comes to fur as special as the Angora cat, even less. There are specific products for your coat, as well as conditioners and dirt repellents that will keep it clean longer.

Remember that while cats have a grooming routine, that doesn’t mean they don’t need to bathe. Just  don’t bathe it more than recommended, which is about once a month.

a lot of love for him

You might think: what does love have to do with the angora cat’s fur? Well, it is said that happiness is reflected outside, that the state of the heart is what dictates what others see in us. Therefore, a happy cat will be a beautiful cat.

You already know that a pet is a responsibility we have to take on, aware of the small details that have to do with their care, including their fur.

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