An Iberian Lynx In Barcelona?

This specimen was found in southern Portugal around 2016. It traveled hundreds of kilometers until it was found in Barcelona, ​​​​a milestone when considering that a large part of the deaths of these cats occur due to being run over on highways.
An Iberian lynx in Barcelona?

Alarms went off on May 29, 2018: an Iberian lynx in Barcelona. After several warnings, environmental agents of the Generalitat photographed the specimen of this  endangered species.

It had been a century since an Iberian lynx had been seen in Barcelona or in Catalan lands. Many thought it would be a specimen of a northern lynx; that escaped from a zoo, but this one is bigger and has brighter, lighter colors.

Was the Iberian lynx captured in Barcelona?

Just four days later, a capture device was set up, made up of technicians from the species’ conservation program;  with the aim of evaluating whether the Iberian lynx specimen in Barcelona could return to its habitat, but without doubting the need for its relocation.

Finally, Litio, the male of the Iberian lynx in Barcelona, ​​was captured  on June 6 in a wooded area of Baix Llobregat .

Although the technicians of the Iberian lynx conservation program are cautious and don’t want to reveal all the details. Although; it has been reported that Lithium was captured safe and sound, thanks to the rabbit traps that were placed in the area.

What will happen to the Iberian lynx in Barcelona?

The intention of the Life Iberlince team   is to transfer the specimen to one of the recovery and reproduction centers for the species that exist in Andalusia;  to carry out the analyzes and timely examinations to, then, prove that the animal will be released in the best conditions.

However, it is  intended to release the specimen again in Portugal, far from urban areas such as Barcelona, where the lynx was in great danger of being run over.

Another option would be to release it in Serra Morena, or in another of the species’ protected areas, where there is a large area free from threats.

Iberian Lynx

How is an Iberian lynx possible in Barcelona?

The Litio carried a collar with GPS, as well as most of the captive bred Iberian lynxes.

She was placed in 2014 when the animal was released in southern Portugal. However; stopped working in mid-2016, when Litio was still in Algarve.

Incredibly, this animal appeared hundreds of kilometers away in just two years.

Although the GPS didn’t send the data, conservationists hope it was saved to the device; so they can reconstruct the lynx’s incredible journey.

The history of the Iberian lynx in Barcelona is reminiscent of Kentaro, a lynx that surprised many in 2016 : 3000 kilometers, and a winding route, separate the mountains of Toledo, in Northern Portugal, from Zamora and Galicia, in Spain.

However, Kentaro’s story was much sadder. Later, when his trip ended, he was  run over near Oporto. 

So far,  Litium’s story seems to be going better, and we hope that, after his own release, he doesn’t decide to take such a dangerous journey.

Iberian lynx crossing road

Why release the Iberian lynx?

Breeding centers for the Iberian lynx have proven to be very effective, as  dozens of specimens are released every year, some of them from zoos.

These animals were raised in the wild, contributing to the expansion of the species: in fact, of all the lynx species, this is the most endangered in the world, followed by the Amur leopard.

Poaching and poisoning have almost no effect on this endangered species. However, it  is necessary to protect each specimen in order to safeguard scarce and vital genetics for the species.

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