Am I Ready To Have A Pet?

For this, we must have available space, budget, free time and someone to take care of our pet in our absence.
Am I ready to have a pet?

Adopting a dog or cat is a big responsibility. It is a living being with different needs that we must supply.  We recommend that you think very carefully before making a decision about this.  So, read the following article, where we’ll give you some keys to knowing if you’re ready to have a pet.

How do I know if I’m ready to have a pet?

You watched videos of puppies and kittens and automatically said, ‘I want one,’ or maybe you heard that a friend is donating the puppies your pet had. However, this is not a decision to be made impulsively. Animals are not toys, much less a “thing” that can be discarded when we get bored or tired of them.

Maybe you don’t know if you’re ready to have a pet and want to be sure before you decide to adopt one. You can answer these questions to better understand your intentions:

  1. What do you want for a pet?

This is the first thing you should answer and it needs to be very objective and sincere. Perhaps you are looking for a pet because you feel lonely at home, because you love animals, because you are looking for a partner to  exercise,  or because when you were little in your house there was always a dog or cat.

  1. Will you take care of him for years?

Depending on the species, breed or care, a pet can live longer than 10 years. So it  ‘s a long-term commitment that you must make. This means that, for more than a decade, you will have to feed, care, walk, educate and comply with veterinary controls.

woman with kitten

  1. Do you have free time?

This is very important, as adopting a pet is not about leaving it alone at home all day or pretending that the pet sleeps 24 hours, so as not to “disturb” if you are studying or resting.

An animal has its needs in terms of exercise and outdoor activities, especially if it’s a dog and you live in an apartment in the city. Therefore, you should walk around the park or walk around the block at least once a day. It doesn’t matter if it rains or snows, if it’s cold or hot.

Also,  a dog should not spend more than eight hours a day without companionship. Why? Because he will develop certain  behavioral problems based on anxiety, depression and stress. Therefore, if you leave home early and arrive very late, we recommend that you do not have a pet, at least for the time being.

  1. Do you have enough budget?

Food – whether homemade or processed – consultations with the vet, toys, bedding and anything else he needs will cost you money. Although they don’t eat as much as a human (this varies depending on the animal’s size and breed), you should consider whether your budget will resist them.

Pug on the owner's lap

And remember that he will live 10+ years, so you must make plans for the future. It’s true that you can’t predict what will happen tomorrow, but if you have a lot of debt and your salary doesn’t make it to the end of the month, you’re not ready to have a  pet right now.

  1. Do you know who will take care of him in your absence?

We’re referring to the weeks you go on vacation, when you want to enjoy a trip to the beach or any other activity that includes getting out of the house for a few days.

But it is also, of course, related to our absence due to illness or even death. Many people choose ‘godparents’ for their pets, who will take care of them when they are not present.

  1. Do you have room for a pet?

Finally, to determine if you are ready to have a pet, consider the available space. Of course you can always move, but  if you live in a place of a few square meters, we advise you to choose a small breed of dog, such as a  poodle  or a  pug.

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