All About Cat Fur

all about cat fur

With different length and colors, more or less dense and target of countless myths. Today you will discover all the details about the cat’s fur.

What is the function of feline coats

fur of the brightest cat

When a cat is healthy and strong, the beauty of its coat is sure to attract attention, very soft and shiny.

But  the cat’s coat isn’t just there for the sake of aesthetics. First of all, the fur is the first protection of these animals against external aggressions  (ultraviolet radiation, blows, etc.). Furthermore, they serve as a defense against dehydration.

The  fur is also a thermal insulator, for both cold and heat. Therefore, cats renew much of their coat when temperatures are milder  (during autumn and spring).

Interesting information about cat fur

The coat of a feline has other striking features, such as:

  • Serves for the animal to communicate. When a cat is upset or upset, for example, it ruffles its fur.
  • The hair’s shine comes from the sebaceous glands, which are also responsible for protecting against infectious agents.
  • So-called hairless cats actually have a very thin layer of fur, almost imperceptible.

Caring for your pussy hair

While your purring friend’s tongue is the best tool for brushing their fur, it’s always good to help.

Depending on the length of your coat, you can brush it more or less often. With that, you will get:

  • Eliminate dead hair and excess dirt.
  • Prevent knots from forming.
  • That the animal doesn’t swallow as many hairs.

During the moulting season, cats can ingest more than half of the dead hairs. This can cause the dreaded hairballs to form in the stomach, which, if not expelled through the mouth, can end up clogging the intestines.

False Myths About Feline Fur

Looks like cat fur has a bit of a bad name. Maybe because it falls a lot. Kitten owners can be sure to find fur everywhere.

However, although almost everyone thinks that the fur of these animals causes allergies, the allergenic agent is found in their skin and saliva.

Some information that many people repeat as if it were true is also false. Therefore, to eliminate doubts, the cat’s fur:

  • It does not transmit pulmonary fibrosis, toxoplasmosis or any other disease.
  • If it gets in your eyes, it won’t cause blindness.
  • It doesn’t leave women sterile.
  • If you ingest a few strands, hairballs will not form on any part of your body.
  • Does not cause suffocation in babies.

Pay attention if your cat’s fur loses its shine and softness

pet a cat

Just as a soft, shiny coat is a sign of a healthy cat, if the fur is dull and dirty-looking, pay attention. It’s a sign that something isn’t right with your pet.

There are many possible causes, such as:

  • Inappropriate diet. Consult your veterinarian about what is the best food for your pet according to age, size, activity level, etc.
  • Overweight. If the animal is too fat, it may not be able to reach certain parts of the body, making it difficult to clean the fur.
  • Age. Older cats lose some flexibility and may have some bone problems that make them give up cleaning certain parts of the body.
  • Some diseases also interfere with the coat. And we’re not just talking about skin problems. Perhaps the cat is not feeling well because it has a serious illness and has lost the desire to clean itself.

In any case, make an appointment with the veterinarian for the pet to treat the health problem and return to having soft, shiny and beautiful fur.

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