All About British Shorthair (English Shorthair)

All About British Shorthair

For its pleasant personality and its stuffed animal appearance, the British Shorthair is a cat that has won the sympathy of thousands of people who have chosen it as a pet.

Docile, affectionate and playful – but also majestic and intelligent – ​​they are the ideal companion for children and the elderly, and have become the best known short-haired pussies in the world.

Origin of British Shorthair

Everything suggests that the British Shorthair originated from the crossing between the cats that the Roman legions took to ancient Britannia, with the felines of the place.

They owe their unmistakable double coat, short and thick, to the need to protect themselves from the rain and humidity that characterize the British climate.

Although there is also another version, which determines the origin of these cats in Egypt and their arrival in what is now the United Kingdom, in times as distant as those of Moses.

Race recognition and evolution

cat licking itself

  • In 1871, the breed was first recognized during an exhibition held in London by artist Harrison Heir.
  • In both the First and Second World Wars, the population of these animals was decimated. For its recovery, it was resorted to crossing with other races, mainly the Persian .
  • This gave rise to some long-haired specimens, the British Longhair .

Physical characteristics of the breed

These cute cheeks have the following physical characteristics:

  • Size: Medium to Large;
  • Weight: between 4kg and 8kg;
  • Head: Broad and massive, with rounded contours;
  • Forehead: Tends to be round, never flat;
  • Nose: Broad and short, with open nasal holes. In addition, it must have “stop” (nasofrontal depression);
  • Chin: Strong and well developed. And in line with the nose;
  • Ears: Medium in size. Wide at the base and with a rounded tip;
  • Eyes: Large, expressive and round. Well separated from each other;
  • Body: Muscular and broad-chested;
  • Feet: Strong, broad, short and rounded in appearance;
  • Tail: It is wide and thick at the base. Tapers towards the tip, which is rounded;
  • Coat: Short, dense and smooth;
  • Colors: The most popular is blue, but British Shorthair can have different shades: cream, lilac, white, red, chocolate, black, etc.

Other data on British Shorthair

They are animals that prefer the tranquility of home and human company. The adventurous spirit that characterizes other cats is not so evident in them, although, should the occasion arise, they are excellent hunters.


  • They rarely scratch. If they are bothered, they choose to walk away;
  • Due to their patience, tolerance and balance, they become the ideal friends for children;
  • They adapt easily to different spaces;
  • They get along well with other cats and dogs;
  • They reach adulthood between the ages of two and three.

British Shorthair Health and Care

kitten sleeping

The British Shorthair are cats usually have very good health. Anyway, it is recommended:

  • Watch your weight, especially when it comes to neutered animals, as they tend to get fat.
  • Comb and brush them regularly, especially during fur changing times, to prevent them from swallowing the fur and forming balls.
  • Provide quality feed, preferably those that prevent the formation of said hairballs.
  • Deworm them and vaccinate them as instructed by the veterinarian. It is important to consider that its dense coat favors the appearance of fleas.

Also, because of crossbreeding with other breeds, they have a tendency to suffer from polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

A “wonderful” cat

When Lewis Carroll published his famous book Alice in Wonderland in 1865, he didn’t know he was helping to popularize the British Shorthair worldwide .

The Cheshire cat, one of the most famous characters in history – the one who had the ability to appear and disappear at will – is an English stray cat, just like the ancestors of the British Shorthair .

An ideal pet

Well, now you know that if you want to have a cat that doesn’t go out to roam the streets and that prefers to stay inside the house keeping you company, but without being boring, this is the ideal pet.

But even if it looks like a stuffed animal, make no mistake. He is not a toy. Take care and love him so much that he will know how to reward you generously.

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