A Street Bitch Saved A Woman’s Life And Gained A Home

A street bitch saved a woman's life and gained a home

When you adopt a dog, it’s not clear who saved whom. But for Georgia Bradley, a student from the UK, the answer is very clear, a street dog saved her life  while she was enjoying a holiday in Greece.

From street bitch to heroine

Georgia Bradley is a 25-year-old student who traveled to Greece with a group of friends in July to enjoy the holidays.

One morning when she was on the Isle of Greta, Georgia decided to take a walk on the beach alone to relax during her final days of travel. That’s when two men attacked her and tried to kidnap her.

Though Georgia had tried to avoid it, the men managed to subdue her, and just as he was about to lose all hope,  a bitch appeared and started barking and biting the bad guys.

To their fury, the noise the animal made drew a lot of attention and the men eventually fled, leaving Georgia on the beach, scared but safe. She decided to call the dog Papper, who waited for Georgia to reunite with her mates and return to the hotel where she was staying.

However, after returning to the UK, Georgia had to leave Papper in GÅ•ecia because she did not have the necessary documentation and money to transport the dog to her home in the UK. 

As narrated by Georgia herself, one of the most difficult moments was seeing the dog lagging behind when she got into the car that was taking her and her friends to the airport.

Regaining Hope

stray dog

When she arrived at her home in the UK,  a feeling of guilt invaded Georgia as she felt terrible about herself for leaving Papper behind, so she gathered money and flew back to Greece in hopes of finding the dog again.

Trouble was, back at the hotel, he found that Papper was gone. So began an intensive search supported by social networks to try to find the whereabouts of the heroine.

It took her five weeks to find Papper, but she was happy and relieved that the dog was okay. When she found Papper in her arms she vowed never to leave him again. Interestingly, the dog was found on the same beach where the animal had rescued Georgia weeks ago.

However, due to the immigration process, because the dog did not have a passport or vaccination card, Georgia had to quarantine Papper as part of the normal procedure followed in cases like this.

When Georgia returned to pick up the dog, she went through immigration and the vets reported that Papper was pregnant.

In the UK, Papper has finally given birth to a healthy litter of 6 puppies, leaving Georgia satisfied and happy that she has rescued not just one, but seven lives from the harsh street reality.

Curiosities in this case

dog with woman

Something particular, in this case, was the attitude of the little dog, who protected Georgia without knowing her, showing that dogs help people when they detect some danger, even if they are not family members or acquaintances.

The commitment of the young woman in trying to locate the bitch is also admirable, because although some criticized at first the many efforts she made, she also did not mind investing a large amount of money to locate the animal’s whereabouts.

Hopefully Georgia and her new family can enjoy happy days, far from the tragic fate the young woman might have suffered if not for the brave little dog’s attitude.

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