A Spanish Company Invents Cardboard Tweezers To Collect Dog Feces

A Spanish company invents cardboard tweezers to collect dog feces

Daily walks with your dog are a good time to relax and bond with your pet. But since nothing is perfect, you know that sooner or later you’ll have to squat down to pick up your furry feces. For this task, we usually use plastic bags. But a recycled cardboard forceps to collect dog feces has already been launched on the market. We will tell you some details about it.

What is the cardboard device for collecting dog feces?

This utensil is called Ecopoop and was created by a Valencian company, which defines it as an “ecological excrement collector”.

The device works like a tweezer to collect dog feces. But then it turns into a box with handles, which seals its contents and can be thrown into organic waste containers for total decomposition.

But the goal of its creators is also to raise awareness. Therefore, they created a way to make this can be carried on the furry belt. Is that, on the sides of the “stool collector”, you can read the phrase “I collect”, as a way to invite all pet owners to collect the game of their animals.

An ecological option to plastic bags

Ecopoop was thought of as a viable alternative to plastic bags that, according to what was established by the European Union, should be reduced in use in the coming years.

Among the benefits that this device offers, according to its inventors, are:

  • Cardboard is biodegradable and takes between 4 and 6 months to decompose. Plastic bags last, on average, 150 years.
  • Better feeling when picking up, as the cardboard acts as a barrier between your hands and the shit. With plastic bags, you know…
  • Decreases eye contact with stool.

Campaign to raise awareness about pet excrement collection

In Spain alone, there are 5.4 million dogs registered by the census. The data belongs to the National Association of Pet Food Manufacturers (ANFAAC). If we multiply this by the amount of times they do poop, we can have a perspective of the importance of the matter of how to dispose of excrement in the most ecological and civilized way possible.

And this is not just an issue related to education. Because even if no one likes seeing a dog’s feces in public spaces, it is important to be aware that feces are also a source of disease, especially for children and the elderly.

To contribute to raising awareness about the importance of collecting pet feces, the company that created Ecopoop also develops campaigns in different Spanish municipalities, always under the motto “I collect ”. Among them, the municipalities of:

  • Dénia
  • Vinaros
  • Peniscola
  • Rafelbunyol
  • White Taverns
  • The town of Vallbona
  • Museros
  • gilet
  • Massamagrell
  • Alcasser
  • Albuixech
  • such

With conferences and distribution of information leaflets, aimed at the entire population, but particularly at children, the campaign tries to continue raising awareness about the importance of collecting dog poach.

Don’t forget to collect your dog’s feces

The Ecopoop device was recently presented at the International Environmental Solutions Fair held in Valencia. It is also available in packs of 60 units (for one month) or 180 units.

A video with instructions for its use can also be accessed on the company’s website. With different ways of folding, the utensil can be carried on the furry strap, then it transforms into tweezers to collect the feces and finally transforms into a sealed box to eliminate the poop.

Ecological alternatives that contribute to solving problems that daily concern, or should concern, pet owners are always welcome. The point is that, use whatever method you are, that you take responsibility for your furry poop. And if the form you use respects nature, so much the better.

Main image source: www.elmundo.es

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