Top 3 Automatic Dog Drinkers

Automatic dog drinkers always provide clean water, as they have filters that constantly purify it.
The 3 Best Automatic Dog Drinkers

How do automatic dog drinkers differ from traditional ones? Basically, they allow the water to circulate constantly and are a much more effective way to get our dogs hydrated. In this article, we will show you what the best options on the market are.

What are automatic dog drinkers like?

Automatic dog drinkers are built on the instinct of animals, who prefer moving water to standing water. Undoubtedly, this is a question of survival, since, in stagnant water, there is a proliferation of diseases and contamination.

Although many centuries of domestication have passed, dogs still prefer tap water over water that is in a container.

That’s why our pets are often not hydrated enough … even if their bowl is right in front of their nose!

The solution to this problem lies in automatic drinkers, which mimic the movement of water with a type of fountain, from which the animal can drink as many times as it wants.

Also, as an added benefit, they do not allow bacteria or parasites to accumulate, as mosquitoes, for example, seek calm water to lay their eggs. So there is less chance that your puppy will get sick!

Fonte de água para cães

How to choose between the different automatic dog drinkers?

There are many models of automatic drinkers on the market, and you may not know which one to choose for your pet. Among the requirements that must be met by the best models are:

1. Material

Stainless steel or ceramic ones are of better quality and durability compared to plastic ones, although these are cheaper.

2. Filtration

Automatic drinking fountains have charcoal filters that purify the water and eliminate all waste. Some models also include a filter to remove dirt.

3. Water flow

In some cases, it is possible to adjust the speed at which the water flows, according to the dog’s age or your particular preferences.

4. Size

A water cooler for a poodle is not the same as one used for a Labrador , and it is also different to have only one dog than to have two at home. So, consider the capacity of the water tank so that you don’t need to continually refill it.

5. Cleaning

It is also very important to clean your pet’s drinking fountain regularly, whether it is traditional or automatic. In the latter case, it can be washed either by hand or in the dishwasher. Some models even come with a cleaning kit.

Bebedouros automáticos para cães

What are the best automatic drinkers for dogs?

On the market, there are a multitude of models available that, instead of helping, usually leave us not knowing what to buy or which is the most suitable. Based on sales success and cost-effectiveness, these are some of the most recommended options:

1. Drinking bowls for small dogs with dish

This model has different working modes, which even include a smart option that detects when the dog is approaching so that the water cooler is turned on.

The water storage space is 2.5 liters, it is easy to disassemble, and because of its small size, it is perfect for small dogs.

2. Automatic platinum drinkers

With a basic design, but very efficient (with a superior waterfall), the animals drink water without problems. It has a charcoal filter to remove impurities and bad taste, a five liter tank, and is also suitable for cats.

3. Automatic font

In addition to fulfilling the objective of hydrating our pets, this drinking fountain is very beautiful and can be used both outdoors and indoors.

It has a design that imitates a water fountain, with a kind of ‘flower’ in the center, from which several jets of water fall. In addition, it also has a plastic that prevents the floor from getting wet.

Without a doubt, these are just three of the models of automatic dog drinkers that exist. We can find many other options in petshops , always with the same premise: offer moving water to our pets so that they stay better hydrated.

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