Tricks To Calm A Nervous Dog

Tricks to calm a nervous dog

A nervous dog can irritate us. They don’t know how to control their strength and can hurt us with their nails and mouth, even if we’re playing. Although we try everything to calm a nervous dog, pet and speak softly, nothing seems to work.

So that you can calm him down, we’ll give you some tips in today’s article that will help you calm a nervous dog.

5 Tricks to Calm a Nervous Dog

A nervous or stressed dog may have problems sleeping and behavior. It can also be destructive and overreact to external stimuli. For example, when listening to a water pipe or a doorbell.

These, although they do not seem to be serious problems, can cause a bad quality of life for the animal and create problems in the coexistence. Although the ideal is to educate a dog when he is still a puppy, preferably before the age of six months, this does not mean that you cannot educate an adult dog.

Let’s see where to start in order to calm a nervous dog.


The causes of nervousness

The first thing to do is determine why the animal is nervous. There are three reasons why a dog might be like this. These can be: genetic, environmental or due to education.

Genes can make an animal hyperactive, and no matter how hard we try, we can never achieve anything on our own. In this particular case, the animal will have to be supervised by a veterinarian and will have to be medicated.

This is proof that, whatever the cause, we cannot determine it if we don’t take the animal to a veterinarian. This will be the first thing we have to do if we have a nervous dog.

On the other hand, if your pet spends a lot of time alone, it is likely that when he is at home he will be very nervous. This is what refers to the cause of an environmental nature.

In the educational character, we have the fact that possibly, unconsciously, we may be feeding your nervousness. For example, if the animal goes crazy when it sees us and we somehow reinforce that behavior, we’re nurturing that attitude so that it doesn’t go away. He will understand that being nervous is the only way to get what he wants.


A stressed dog needs to relax, release his adrenaline. There’s nothing better for this than exercise.

If an unstressed dog needs a good deal of exercise daily, a nervous dog requires even more. When tired, he will sleep more, relax more and for longer, also helping him to wake up more peacefully.

Games and games for nervousness

Although it seems a lie, there are games and games that can encourage the dog’s nervousness, especially if they are done indoors. Running, jumping and catching the ball is something that should be part of the exercise even before games and games.

At home, relaxing games and games should be made, possibly sitting with him running a ball short distances, so you won’t feed his nervousness or anxiety.

canine educator

This is one of the best methods to calm a nervous dog. No matter how nervous your pet is, a dog handler can help. This will be especially useful when you’ve tried everything with no results.

Especially if the dog is over a year old and hasn’t lowered its nervousness level, even if you’ve tried everything, it’s best to look for a canine handler.


united family

Faced with a nervous dog, it is important that all family members use the same methods. If everyone is on their own, this will confuse the animal, making it even more nervous. Of course, that way no improvement will be achieved.

Therefore, everyone in a household will have to adopt the same rules with regard to walks, games and petting and dog care. Everyone must know when, what and how to carry out all these procedures, in order to be successful and, also, for the good of the animal.

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