5 Causes Of Stress In Dogs

5 causes of stress in dogs

There are day-to-day needs that, perhaps, we can give them as met or even non-existent, which can cause stress in dogs. It’s possible that your dog needs things that you didn’t even think you should give him, and therefore you’re not giving him enough attention, and that can stress him out.

stress in dogs

Perhaps you are wondering: But, do dogs get stressed? It is clear! Just like humans, dogs have emotions and needs. When these change, it is easy for a dog to become stressed.

In fact, they show signs that can let us know if there is any situation that has come to stress them.

These signs can be: licking the nose too quickly and frequently, sniffing the house with excessive anxiety, not having the courage to do anything and much more.

A veterinarian will be able to guide you and also help you if you notice any of these signs, but we will help you to prevent your dog from reaching a state of stress.

Causes of stress

1. Lack of physical exercise

dog lying down

It is true that dogs need to go out and do their chores outside the house. But it is also true that we must take them on a leash and that this prevents the animal from releasing all the adrenaline contained, having been at home all day.

All dogs need to play, run and get tired, it’s not enough to go out on a leash and walk around the block three times a day.

What to do? If you live in a small apartment it is unlikely that your dog will be able to get any exercise.

So, if you want to avoid one of the main causes of what might stress your dog, you should look for a park, a beach, a quiet street, somewhere where he can be loose without danger and where he can run at will.

Sometimes, there are places that are not dangerous for your dog or for you during the night.

2. Boredom

Does the routine make you bored? Walking around the same places, on the way to work, always seeing the same people? To your dog too! Boredom can cause stress in dogs.

He will get tired if the walks are always done in the same place, at the same time, with the same duration, always seeing the same dogs and the same people. Try changing the places and duration of the tours.

3. Loneliness

They say that dogs have no sense of time, so eight hours or five minutes doesn’t matter. Well, none of this has been proven, but what is proven is that loneliness can stress your dog and he can be aware of how much time he spends alone.

So that your dog doesn’t get stressed, try not to leave him alone for more than five or six hours a day.

You can take him to a dog daycare, maybe leave him with a family member, or at least try to spend as much time with him as possible in his spare time, like on weekends, maybe taking him on a short trip or making an activity more fun.

4. Not being able to enter the house

dog on the street

We know that if you have a large yard, you can use it so that your dog can spend a few moments in it, but if you forbid him to enter the interior of the house, the animal will feel excluded and can become stressed.

Why do we say this? Very simple, the dog evolved into a herd, it is a companion and group animal, which needs to love and feel loved. If he doesn’t feel part of a group, he can get stressed and even have bad behavior.

We’re not saying he has to sleep in your bed, but maybe you can set some times when he can be inside the house and feel welcomed and part of the family.

5. Stress at home

If there are children at home, they are likely to want to be with the dog at all times. This can stress the animal, so we advise you to teach your children when and how they can be with the dog and what they can and cannot do with it.

There are many causes of stress in dogs, but if you are a keen observer and are willing to make small sacrifices for your pet, you will be able to have a happy, stress-free dog by your side.

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