Fun Facts About Animal Pillows

Like our shoes, animal pads protect them from external injury. This area at the ends houses several curious and interesting aspects.
Curiosities about animal pillows

Human beings wear shoes as a protective element that, in addition to being helpful in preventing injuries, helps us with traction when we walk or run. However, we use these garments more due to comfort criteria, as we would be able to walk perfectly with a piece of cardboard in the sole of the foot. Today, let’s talk about animal pillows.

Animals, whose survival depends in large part on their ability to hunt or escape predators, should have a much more effective system than our shoes. And that’s exactly what happens, since mammalian pillows represent an evolutionary feat in many ways.

In the following lines, we will comment on some characteristics of this part of the animal’s body. Certainly you should never have stopped to think about it, but they have a lot of curiosities that you will surely find very interesting.

Curiosities about animal pillows

Anatomy of animal pillows

Pillows are a  modification of the integument in the forelimbs and hindquarters. Many animal tutors have touched dog and cat pillows and proven how soft they are.

This is because they have a connective component that serves to cushion the animal’s weight and protect the bones from impact while walking or running. This protection is especially important during brisk walking, as the pressure exerted on the support areas is very high and can damage bones and muscles.

At this point, it should be noted that the pads are located on the fingers, that is, on the phalanges. If we had these structures, they would be located more or less in the middle of the fingers. This is because animals with pads are digitigrade, so they rest on their toes and not the entire soles of their feet.

On the outside, there is a modified epithelium that protects it from environmental aggressions, such as scratches or friction. However, this tissue is not completely invulnerable to injury. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid walks in areas with sharp stones, where there may be sharp remains.

Furthermore, patterns in the form of cracks or grooves serve to increase the contact surface and help improve grip and traction. This prevents possible slips that can be fatal during the race, especially if the slipper is prey.


At this point, I hope the curiosity flea has already bitten you and you want to know some interesting information about these structures:

  • They are a fundamental element in heat dissipation: the pillows serve to lower the animal’s body temperature through perspiration. For this reason, it is recommended to apply damp cloths in this area to animals that have suffered heatstroke. The intense vascularization of the area allows for a rapid exchange of temperature with the outside.
  • These are very sensitive areas: just like our fingers, the pads have an intense innervation that makes them sensitive to any stimulus, whether tactile or thermal. This is why it is not recommended to walk the dogs on the asphalt during the hottest hours of summer days.
  • They have pigmentation: contrary to what it may seem, the pillows have coloration. While it is true that, over time, they tend to turn dark due to friction. However, in kittens or cats, it is possible to see lighter pillows, with spots…


As you can see, these structures have a lot of surprises and are more useful in the life of wild animals, but also in the life of pets.

Therefore, we recommend frequent analysis and care with them. This indication is especially directed to dog tutors after a walk. Correct maintenance of pillows based on their cleanliness and hydration can prevent possible injuries.

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