Coexistence Between Dogs And Rabbits: Advice

This is not an easy task for the pet owner. They are animals that have opposite roles in nature; the dog is a predator, while the rabbit plays the role of prey.
Coexistence between dogs and rabbits: advice

Having different pets is not always an easy task. Therefore,  coexistence between dogs and rabbits can become complicated,  although both are known to have an affable nature. Why does it happen? How to solve the problems that may arise in the coexistence between these two species?

Coexistence between dogs and rabbits: difficulties

The first thing to think about is the nature of the animal. The rabbit is usually prey.  This animal is one of the most desired foods by many predators. The dog, however, plays the role of predator.  This may be the first problem to arise in the coexistence of dogs and rabbits.

Compatibility between dogs and rabbits

We don’t mean to suggest that your dog eats or wants to eat your rabbit. However, their natures are opposite and this can create fights between them. Don’t worry, there are ways to solve this coexistence problem. We will reveal some tips for you below.

The most important thing is to make both species forget their natural roles and can live together as brothers. Good socialization among animals is important. Also, you shouldn’t show any predilection for any of them. These factors are essential to ensure a good coexistence.

Coexistence between dogs and rabbits: socialization

Of course there are some breeds friendlier to rabbits  than others. If you already have a dog at home and you want to have a pet rabbit, there are many things you can do to avoid problems. Your common sense and how well you know your dog are essential  in determining if he is ready to welcome a “different” friend.

There are some breeds that tend to be friendlier than others. If the rabbit is going to be the second animal you bring home, try choosing one of these breeds.

Once you have chosen the two animals that will live together, the key moment comes  : socialization. Follow these tips and everything will be fine.

Find an outdoor and neutral place

It’s best that the presentation takes place in a place that neither of the two animals knows about. If you do this at home, where there is already a dog, it can feel its territory threatened  and there will be problems.

dog and rabbit

Leave the rabbit in a shipping crate and hold your dog on a leash to keep everything under control  when introducing them. It’s better that you go with someone else to be able to control both animals.

presentation time

First, let  the dog sniff the box the rabbit is in to see their reaction. When you feel that everything is fine, you can slowly open the box without making any sudden movements. Let them move at their own pace. Don’t stay away from them and speak gently and sweetly to eliminate tension.

watch them

Let the rabbit get closer to the dog and don’t get too far. The rabbit may not feel comfortable and run away, because that’s what his instincts tell him.

Large Dog and Rabbit

This gesture can trigger the dog’s predatory instinct  and then trouble will follow. Spend the afternoon with them, if all goes well, they will gradually get used to it.

A very important step you should take is to   separate the animal locations. Everyone should have a place to rest, eat and drink.

Thus,  neither of them should see their space threatened by the other. If you consider all this, the coexistence between dogs and rabbits will be extremely peaceful and pleasant.

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