How To Properly Stop A Dogfight

How to Properly Stop a Dog Fight

When we see two animals that are fighting, we get desperate and want to push them away anyway. However, this can have negative consequences both for them and for us. So, in this article, we tell you how to properly stop a dogfight.

Tips for Stopping a Dog Fight

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First of all, it’s good to know how to avoid a dog fight. We should observe the interaction that the animals have with each other, if they become more and more nervous, if they grunt or show their teeth or if, instead of playing directly, they attack the neck. In these cases, it is essential to catch our pet by the collar to quickly remove it from the place.

Often, the games go from something quiet to something brusque, other times, two males face each other in order to demonstrate their leadership. There are also fights over food, over a female or over the cubs. We people want to help them break up, but sometimes we end up hurt. Pay attention to the following recommendations for stopping a dog fight:

  1. calm down

This is critical, because nerves don’t allow you to think straight or act correctly in the face of a dogfight. Most clashes between two canines last only a few seconds. So, resist the temptation to let go of the leash. Instinctively, the animal may spin and bite you. So it’s best if you take a deep breath and count to 10 before you intervene.

  1. Make noise

A good technique for pulling apart two fighting dogs is to scare them off. That way, they will pay attention to something else and stop biting each other or grunting. You can yell, clap, smack your foot on the floor, or hit two metal cans.

  1. wet them

The water attracts the dogs’ attention and, besides, many of them don’t like being wet. You can use a hose, a glass, a bottle or whatever you have at your disposal (if you go to the park, for example, always carry a water bottle with you, especially if your dog is a fight dog). A “bath” will not harm you and will prevent them from continuing to fight.

  1. mount a barrier

Look around for something that can help you separate them, such as a piece of wood, a large piece of cardboard, a large stick, or the lid of a garbage can. Anything that shields your arm (so they won’t bite you) while keeping them apart.

  1. throw a blanket

If one of the pets cannot see his opponent, he will stop fighting. Also, the other will avoid the attack because he doesn’t understand what’s going on. You can wear a blanket, overcoat, or any other clothing that is made of a material that does not allow light to pass through. The dog that gets covered will spend its energy trying to get rid of the tissue that is holding it back, and then the other can be taken out by its owner or distracted to take it elsewhere.

  1. pull your tail

Be very careful with this action, because perhaps instinctively the animal will start to want to bite you. The good thing is that it’s an effective technique for stopping a fight. Pull the tail hard back and up, but don’t push it too hard so you don’t hurt it. Remember that in the tail there are bones and nerves connected to the spinal cord.

  1. use your legs


It is not necessary that you hit the dog hard to separate it from a fight, but that you move it with some energy to stop the confrontation. This technique is allowed in case the person wears jeans and thick shoes (because the leg is probably the target of some bite attempt).

  1. Last resort: use your arms

If none of the above works, or if you don’t have any of the objects on hand that can be used to separate the dogs, then use your arms. Raise the animal’s hind legs like a cart and move it away as quickly as possible.

Once you’ve got the dogs to stay away, you’ll want to keep them at a distance from each other for a while. Thus, you will prevent them from fighting each other again.

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