What You Should Know About Feeding Longhaired Dogs

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for hair growth as well as for maintaining shine.
What You Should Know About Feeding Longhaired Dogs

Good nutrition is a fundamental part of our animals’ health. Eating well is a mission that all living beings have on a daily basis. Today, we’ll talk a little bit about feeding long-haired dogs.

Humans, thanks to superior intellect, have domesticated many animals throughout history. In the case of dogs, over time, they became pets.

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Dogs are carnivorous animals, meaning that  their diet is based on meat as their main source. This does not mean that all dogs are fed the same way; there are races that have faster metabolisms and, similarly, other races with slower metabolisms.

We must clarify that  meat is not the only food that dogs consume. Vegetables also form a fundamental part of the animal’s good digestion. Unlike humans, dogs shouldn’t eat as many vegetables.

Vegetables are never bad for humans and the same goes for dogs. Vegetables are the main source of antioxidants and vitamins, which are excellent for your pet’s overall health.

But why this talk about vegetables? To  help keep the dog’s coat healthy and in good condition.

This is of paramount importance if we refer to the feeding of long-haired dogs. The main attraction of dogs like shih-tzu, husky or schnauzer is their dense and showy coat, which needs to be very well taken care of at all times.

long-haired breeds

How should long-haired dogs be fed?

As we’ve already said, a dog’s main diet should be meat, but for long-haired dogs,  it’s not just any meat that’s ideal.  Fish should also be part  of your diet as it is a source of omega-3s.

This compound  is very beneficial to the organism  of all animals, including humans. It’s essential for the body, but neither humans nor dogs make it on their own.

That’s why it should be consumed, because among the benefits that omega-3s have are:

  • It works as a  natural antioxidant.
  • Helps hair growth and shine.
  • Maintains good skin health.
  • Prevents different diseases from manifesting, such as otitis, scabies and seborrhea.

The problem with this acid is that it  must be eaten fresh  if we go to a natural diet. Why? The compound oxidizes very quickly  and loses all its benefits in a few hours at most.

That’s why there  are capsules of this element,  to supply the needs as the body needs them. If you want your dog to have a high quality coat, be sure to put at least one capsule in his  bowl .

Which vegetables are good for the coat?

We’ll call vegetables  all natural products for this case, so we’ll include fruits as well.

In nature, neither wolves nor dogs have easy access to these elements. However, those few that are accessible to them bring great benefits as long as they are consumed in small quantities.

Among the  most recommended fruits  to give our dog are: strawberries, blueberries, peaches and apricots. All of these fruits have a good amount of antioxidants.

vegetables for dogs

In addition, these fruits  have properties that help protect the dog’s skin against  disease. Likewise, they benefit the fur, so offering them from time to time doesn’t hurt.

In the case of vegetables, the options are a little more limited: carrots and spinach are ideal for them, as long as they are well chopped and raw.

They are a good  source of vitamins of various types, as well as providing the necessary fiber for the digestive tract.

So he must only eat fish meat?

No, long-haired dogs can eat all kinds of meat without restriction. Fish is suggested as a major source of the Omega-3 compound because it works wonders for the animal’s fur.

But in the same way,  we must provide other sources of fatty acids  so that your body is in shape and does not suffer future complications.

Remember that feeding long-haired dogs correctly is essential to providing a diet based on antioxidants and omega-3s. If you have any questions, it’s best to consult your veterinarian.

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