5 Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

Causes of many disease deaths, mosquitoes are considered a pest. However, wise nature tries to create a balance with the animals that eat them.
5 animals that eat mosquitoes

Regardless of the country, everyone has a small enemy in common: mosquitoes. The life expectancy of these insects is not more than 6 months, but they are one of the biggest pests in the world, as the diseases they spread by feeding on blood have already caused thousands of deaths. However, nature tries to create a balance with animals that eat mosquitoes.

The diet of these living beings includes these insects due to their easy consumption in the initial stage of life and because, as predators, they also have a small size that in some cases prevents them from feeding on larger animals. Below you will find 5 species that feed on these invertebrates.

1. Toads and frogs

Perhaps some of the best known animals that eat mosquitoes are frogs ( Ranidae ) and toads ( Bufonidae ). The common belief is that these amphibians are the answer to controlling mosquito pests. However, no species has shown to have their diet based only on these invertebrates.

There are some species of frogs that feed on Aedes aegypti larvae , but they do not guarantee their reproduction control, due to the very small space where the larvae can develop.

Having a frog in your garden does not guarantee a reduction in mosquitoes, as removing it from its natural habitat will only increase its chances of dying. The diet of these amphibians includes slightly larger insects such as ants or worms, and tadpoles also tend to feed on mosquito larvae.

A frog on a white background.

2. Dragonflies

Dragonflies ( Anisoptera ) are another insect that feeds on mosquitoes and other smaller flying invertebrates. It has been observed that a dragonfly can hunt between 30 and 100 mosquitoes per day. However, this achievement is not enough to satiate your appetite.

The dragonfly would need an enormous amount of energy to catch more than 3000 mosquitoes a day. With this hypothesis, the mosquito population would be greatly reduced, but it is a very remote possibility. So, of course, this deadly hunter must also look for other types of prey.

Dragonflies are animals that eat mosquitoes.

3. Spiders

Spider webs are one of the most effective natural traps for catching these irritating insects. As adult mosquitoes spend most of their time perched on vegetation, a great possibility of food opens up for spiders. However, it is important to note that non-web spiders also feed on mosquitoes.

Species such as the Pholcus phalangioides spider and the garden spider – harmless to humans – are some of the specimens that help to reduce the proliferation of mosquitoes. Therefore, it is recommended not to attack them, as their presence helps to prevent mosquitoes from transmitting diseases such as Zika or dengue.

On the other hand, the species Paracyrba wanlessi feeds mainly on mosquitoes, as does Evarcha culicivora. The only difference is that the second species chooses mosquitoes by their blood content, while the first is indifferent to this parameter or the stage of growth of the mosquito.

Spiders are mosquito-eating animals.

4. Catfish and fish of the Gerreidae family

These fish, despite not being highly valued aesthetically, have a very important role in the consumption of mosquito larvae. When the female lays her eggs in water and they start to develop, these fish and other species enter to feed on the young mosquitoes.

If you have a pond or fountain in your garden, it is advisable to add one or 2 freshwater fish, as many typical pond species feed on these invertebrates. In addition to being your main source of food, one of these animals can help reduce the presence of mosquitoes in your home.

Another alternative would be to add cultures of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in these aquatic spaces , which will directly attack the larvae and will not affect fish or plants.

Catfish are one of the animals that eat mosquitoes.

5. Bats

This is one of the animals that consumes the most mosquitoes. In the case of bats that feed only on insects – better known as insectivorous bats – it is estimated that in one night they can capture more than 3000 mosquitoes. The rapid flight of these mammals allows them to pick up several individuals in a single flight from one point to another.

Therefore, it is recommended not to attack benign bats, whose task is to balance ecosystems and reduce the population of these pests. It should be clarified that not all bats feed on blood, others still eat fruit and do not affect human health.

The bat is one of the albino animals.

As you can see, few animals eat mosquitoes. In nature, sometimes it is not worth consuming these small invertebrates, as more energy is spent in their pursuit than is obtained from their digestion.

Likewise, living things that eat mosquitoes are a huge help in balancing the population of these irritating insects. Remember that the best strategy to eliminate their presence in your home is to eliminate any possibility of standing water where your larvae may be deposited. You can also count on responsible fumigation.

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