4 Important Facts About Snakes

4 important facts about snakes

the snakes they are reptiles that have always fascinated us since man is man. I.e, since mythology, at story or at iconography , it seems that snakes have always been there. Let’s go drop you off s with one fun list with some interesting trivia about snakes.

1. Snakes in mythology

For Western culture, the snake It’s an animal well-known and have a place broad in different forms of representation and meaning, in particular, for having been responsible for attending to Eve, according to the biblical accounts.

However, its presence in popular belief don’t just go back  The the Judeo-Christian system O . All over the planet there are myths in which snakes have a prominent place.

You may appreciate these animals in mythology of cultures greek, roman, egyptian, nordic or in Chinese, without count on the multiplicity of gods belonging to minor tribes.

Whether in representations of absolute evil, or as guardians of forests and rivers (for example, in Japanese, American tribal or African mythology), as representatives of wisdom, or in the style of flying dragons, the snakes have enriched our imaginations and have nurtured many of our worst nightmares or incarnated in our best fantasies.

2. Great adaptability

Adaptação das serprentes

As c works and, in general, all reptiles, count on a great adaptability, which have allowed spread out along the entire planet.

can be found s copies in all regions of the earth, divided for more than two thousand and five hundred species, in the most varied sizes and most inhospitable conditions, since  forests even deserts and swamps , with the exception of the polar regions, because the extreme cold makes impossible the survival of these animals.

Among the amazing adaptation systems of snakes, lies the ability to hibernate . This is due to the fact that snakes are cold blooded animals and who cannot regulate body temperature by themselves. , that’s why he at need  of places warm s .

However, when the time becomes excessively cold , he at enter a this of hibernation , similar to a coma , what allow them  stay alive until the weather be more favorable.

3. Varieties of sizes and special features

Snakes have some characteristics incredible , for example, they have mighty jaws, strong musculature ring (undulate ) and can m change and renew the skin. However, one of the most striking characteristics of snakes is the variety of sizes they can have.

The size of the snakes obviously depends on the class, food and climate in which they live . is used to think that the snakes who live in  trees tend to be smaller p she need to camouflage and to be able to climb trees .

However, we see snake classes , like pythons, which also have habits arboreal and can reach enormous sizes. equally if assumes that the pythons are the biggest and , However, even the smallest ones have poison able to suffocate its victims.

the m huge snake, just under 10 centimeters, is the snake beard and the larger are you are the reticulated anacondas and pythons , known as cross-linked python , which can reach 8 meters in length and 100 cm in diameter.

4 – The poison

snake venom

Snake venom is perhaps its most feared feature, reason why there is the indiscriminate hunting and the deaths are immediate, with no room for any questioning or questions .

Of all species of snakes,  only  15% are poisonous so why whole that fear ?

The reason is very simple. Snake venom has a dual function. The first is to paralyze or kill the prey and the second is to accelerate the decomposition process for make it easy The digestion .

So in most snake attacks The human beings, the main concern of doctors, after neutralizing the effect of the poison is detain The destruction of fabric toxin producer responsible for decomposition.

depending on the type of poison and the quantity, some bites end up leading to amputation or considerable deterioration of the affected area .

Fortunately , these animals can be calm and only attack when they feel threatened, therefore, people that are normally bitten by snakes are those that live in areas that, until recently, were wild.

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