Dogs That Play Little Become More Aggressive

Dogs that play little become more aggressive

Taking time out every day to play with pets must be one of the most fun and stressful things in the world. However, the lack of time of some people – and of responsibility of others – makes, sometimes, pets not receive the proper attention. But this is a subject that you should not neglect because dogs that play little become more  aggressive.

We’ll tell you why dogs that play little become more aggressive


Author: Mekanoid

There are many causes that can lead a dog to show signs of aggression, not playing much and not exercising are among them. Walking your pet for a short time, just to have it do your thing, is a big mistake.

An animal that does not exercise enough, in addition to gaining weight, will begin to accumulate energy which, if not released correctly, will cause changes in its behavior. For example:

  • He will be nervous.
  • Will bark in excess.
  • It will damage several objects in the house.
  • Will be aggressive towards other animals and people.
  • will try to bite you 

Balls and canine friends, two fundamental questions

So, it is essential that you stimulate your dog with several games inside and outside the house. This way, you will make your four-legged friend feel happy, since you are worrying about him, and let go of the aggressive reactions that occur due to lack of attention needed.

Even though there are several intelligence games you can put into practice so that your pet exercises its mind and body,  spending time with it, even if it’s just throwing a ball, will make it feel very happy and shadow of aggression will no longer form part of your daily life.

However, you should also let him interact with other dogs, as, don’t forget, dogs are herd animals. Also, remember that if you socialize your dog from an early age, you will rule out the chances of him becoming aggressive over time.

Options to play and stimulate your pet’s intelligence

As we’ve already talked about,  there are many options for your dog, in addition to having fun, exercising, and encouraging his senses  -especially his smell and hearing- and his  intelligence.

At the Pet Shops there is a wide range of toys that, in addition to keeping your four-legged friend entertained, will help him to work his little head. But it is not necessary for you to spend money, because with a little ingenuity and with the right materials, you can also create your own.

Do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian to inform you about the best play and toy options for dogs. And always be careful not to purchase accessories that are made with toxic materials and that break easily.

People and dogs that play are happier


In short,  a dog that keeps its mind active is a happier animal. In addition, stimulating the pet’s intelligence is the most beneficial way to prevent it from getting bored and unwanted behaviors, such as aggression, from appearing.

So don’t forget to play a little bit every day with your pet. This will also help you. As much as you are tired and  stressed  after a busy day, interacting with your pet is the best help for you to forget about this everyday madness.

You’ll find that after playing for a while and taking a leisurely stroll, your mind will be less full and your body will magically be less tense. So play, walk and exercise with your dog. Don’t see this as an obligation, but as a beneficial and pleasurable activity for both of you.

And if you have young children, don’t deprive them or deprive yourself of growing up with your pet. Your  child  will have a great companion to play with and your dog will not have time to think about boredom, let alone becoming aggressive.

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