A Firefighter Can Save A Dog’s Life Through Mouth-to-mouth Resuscitation

A firefighter manages to save a dog's life through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

Amazing news. A firefighter saves a pet owner from a fire in his house and has no hesitation in returning to the house to save the pet’s life as well.

The animal was unconscious due to the dense smoke it had inhaled. Even so, the firefighter returned to save the animal’s life.

That’s why the Romanian firefighter gained the reputation of “hero” in his country. The firefighter moved social networks after rescuing the life of a dog, giving him mouth-to-mouth breathing.

The firefighter’s name is Mugurel Costache. He stated that he rescued the pet’s owner from his burning house and returned to fetch the pet.

The animal lay unconscious on the ground due to the dense smoke in the house.

Without hesitating, he gave the dog mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and performed a cardiac massage, causing the animal to breathe again. That way he could save the dog’s life.

Saving the life of a dog and its owner, a feat of a fireman

The video that was recorded of this rescue operation was viewed 1.1 million times on the Internet, while the Romanian media paid homage to the “Hero of Pitesti”.

If the firefighter hadn’t come in to save the dog’s life, the dog wouldn’t have had any chance of survival.

The firefighter said he had received messages from all over the world, from Dubai, Germany, Italy, England and France.

These messages, while supporting his feat and admiration, were aimed at adopting the dog. As long as its owner consented to it.

Artificial Respiration Advice To Save A Dog’s Life

  • The first recommendation to be followed is to avoid any obstruction in the animal’s throat. Therefore, open the animal’s pathway and clear the site of any obstructions.
  • Then extend the dog’s head and blow into his mouth. The animal’s chest should rise. Take breaths every two times.
  • Cardiac massages. In the case of large dogs, it is possible to lay them on their back for cardiac massage. The same way we do on human beings.
  • In the case of small dogs and cats, we can recline them in our lap. Massage his ribs, pressing on both sides.
  • The rhythm and chest compressions will vary depending on the size of the dog.

Combine breaths, alternating with heart massage

When performing cardiac massages to save a dog’s life, the proportion will be approximately the same for human beings.

We will continue doing cardiac massage until the animal responds and begins to breathe independently.

Heroic performances of firefighters

In their daily lives, firefighters face situations of great danger to the lives of people and other beings. From putting out a fire to rescuing an animal, for example.

They are heroic people for the work they do.

Some of the rescues these professionals made will never be forgotten, let alone the owners of these pets, who are eternally grateful.

dog mouth precautions

Many studies have concluded that people who kiss their dogs are often more likely to suffer from oral illnesses typical of their pets.

There is a tendency to consider the dog as an extra member of the family, but a dog is always a dog, and it is different from us. Among other things, they are immune to certain substances, viruses and bacteria that cannot affect us.

We all know that dogs lick their genitals, pick things up from the floor with their mouths, stick their snouts in the most unexpected places, etc.

Liking our dog does not mean that we should neglect proper hygiene measures.

Especially with the pets that we have at home, living with us, it is necessary to take even more precautions in these cases. The vaccination schedule, daily hygiene, your bath and brushing your fur, brushing your teeth, etc.

All of this will ensure that living with our friend always takes place under the best hygiene and health conditions.

The issue of deworming is especially important. From the outside, but mostly from the inside.

The pills that we can administer to our pet for internal deworming will help him, but they will also serve to prevent them from infecting us too.

Main image source: www.wapa.pe

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