Learn The Story Of A Monk Dog

Know the story of a monk dog

It’s not a costume for a Halloween party. It is a furry that “put on the habit” to become a “four-legged priest” in a Franciscan church. Do you want to know the history of the monk dog? In this article, we’ll tell you.

The Monk Dog of Cochabamba

Animals always surprise us with their play or displays of affection. But this case catches our attention because it combines mysticism, religion and goodness. This story takes us to the Monastery of São Francisco de Cochabamba. The building was erected in honor of the Protector of Animals and Ecology, São Francisco de Assis.

When the monks of this temple found a dog walking alone, they did not hesitate to help him and honor the saint from whom the current Pope was inspired to adopt his name. Without thinking twice, they decided to adopt the dog as a four-legged companion in the monastery. The name they chose to name him is very funny: Frei Bigodão.

The new mascot of the place even has a list of tasks to complete in his new home. On his Facebook profile, one of the Order’s members, Kasper Mariusz Kapron, said: “ Here is the brother fishing for fish ” while posting a picture of the dog looking intently at a fountain with Koi fish.

However, what draws the most attention in this image is… that the dog is dressed as a monk! Yes, he wears a tunic tied with a piece of rope tied around his waist. It is identical to the dress of the religious. All that’s missing are the typical sandals (maybe they’re made for winter).

In this way, they not only show love and respect for animals, but also become an example to the community. Perhaps with this attitude, more parishioners will decide to adopt stray animals. Thus, all dogs will be able to have a happy life like Frei Bigodão, the monk dog.

Source: static.t13.cl

A dog that attends mass

Our second story takes us to Brazil, more precisely to the Parish of São José Operário, in Sorocaba. Apparently, the animal wanted to receive the healing blessing and did not hesitate to enter the temple while the priest led Sunday mass.

When Father Wagner Ruivo was giving the sermon to the faithful, something caught his attention. A puppy (which they thought was stray) approached the altar and sought out the priest, who soon interrupted his speech to pet the animal.

One of the faithful who were present at the time took a photograph and sent it to the priest, who immediately posted it on Facebook with the following caption: “I learned that the love of God must reach everyone. Yes, everyone.”

The parish priest said that he had never seen the dog in the neighborhood, but that it appeared to have an owner and family, as its fur was soft and fragrant. The animal did not appear in the church again, but if it did, the priest said it would become another parishioner.

the dog that sings in church

If the previous story seems strange and fun to you, you’ll like this one even more. In the church of St. Anthony of Padua and Mary Help of Christians in Barbosa, Colombia, a dog not only attends mass…but also sings at the Eucharistic celebrations!

The furry one was baptized as “white paws”. He doesn’t go unnoticed anywhere (because, apparently, he’s a regular at other local temples). When mass begins, the dog barks with the parishioners, happy to be part of the religious celebration.

Images source: static.t13.cl

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