A Dog’s Reaction When It Sees Its Owner Dressed In His Favorite Toy

Reaction of a dog when it sees its owner dressed in his favorite toy

How should a dog’s reaction be when he sees his owner disguised as his favorite toy? Guide dog handler Emily Crisp wanted to know the answer and asked her boyfriend to dress up as Gumby, the doll her little dog, Jolene, plays with. We will tell you what happened.

Find out what Jolene did when she saw her human-sized toy

Gumby, in addition to being Jolene’s favorite toy, is the animated protagonist of a television series.

What happened was that the little dog was playing very excitedly with her favorite doll when, suddenly, she saw a version of Gumby appear with its own mobility and the size of a person.

At first Jolene was stunned and paralyzed. However, then she reacted and, filled with happiness, she threw herself on the object/subject of her joy.

The reaction of a dog when seeing its owner disguised as his toy went viral on social media

Crisp, who lives in Petaluma, California, posted the video of Jolene and Gumby in human format on his Facebook. The images soon went viral on several social networks.

The trainer wrote on her wall: “how to brighten your dog’s day… giving life to his favorite toy”. At least Jolene was happy. If you want to see how Jolene’s reaction was, click on this link right now or watch the video below.

In addition, you can do the same as Jolene’s owner and see with your own eyes a dog’s reaction when it sees its favorite human-sized toy. Would you dare to disguise yourself to see what your pet does?

dogs and toys

Certainly,  toys are fundamental for our pets. They can entertain them for hours and thus constitute ideal allies if the animals have to be alone for a good part of the day or even when, being at home, we don’t have much time to spend with them.

But, beyond that, they are essential for dogs to stimulate their intelligence or calm their anxiety in certain situations.

For these reasons, it is important that you carefully select the toys that you will offer your dog. Don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian about what the best options are according to the animal’s age and other characteristics of your four-legged friend.

Choose the right toys for your pet

The pet products market offers a multitude of toy alternatives for dogs. But you can also make the toys if you want.

Anyway , the main thing is that the object is safe for animals. You should prevent your pet from suffering from intoxication, or from hurting its mouth or swallowing the object. In addition, you must make sure that it does not become obstructed, if you ingest it completely, or any fragment of the element in question.

So, check carefully the toys you choose for:

  • Be big enough that the animal cannot swallow it.
  • They are manufactured with materials that do not present toxicity.
  • Don’t break easily.

Play with your dog daily and, if you want, disguise yourself as his favorite toy as well.

If at any time you want to experiment and dress up as your dog’s favorite toy, the ideal is that you always find some time to play with him.

Interacting in this way with your pet is beneficial for both of you; how you will find out for yourself.

Your pet will be happier while it performs physical activity and stimulates its intelligence through the activities you propose to do with it.

And you will forget about everyday worries for a while and you will be refreshed and happy. You will see. And if you don’t believe it, there are scientific studies that reveal that people who share their life with pets are healthier and happier.

Photo source: Emily Crisp’s Facebook

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