Orphaned Elephants Are Forced To Move House

Orphaned elephants are forced to move house

Without a mother, many orphaned elephants are disoriented, which can lead to mistakes that affect their lives. Illegal hunting is causing real damage to populations of these animals.

When a poacher hunts an elephant, it harms the entire group.  This is because orphaned elephants are greatly harmed and often end up dying, without leadership and protection.

Recently, a study shed light on the consequences of the death of an important member for orphaned groups of elephants. In particular, we talk about matriarchs.

In this case, the ‘Swahili Ladies’, a group of orphaned elephants, had to leave their land where they lived their entire lives after the death of a whole generation of adult animals.

Obviously, the deaths were caused at the hands of poachers.

The importance of female elephants

Elephant societies are matriarchal. In other words, this is one of the species that females command.

However, this goes further. In groups with many females, the ones who command are the oldest, because of their wisdom.

This makes elephant groups highly dependent on matriarchs. Thus, the death of one of them causes confusion.

They don’t know which territories to look to to avoid threats and find the best food. After all, mental maps of environments were in the heads of matriarchs.

Therefore, elephant matriarchs are vital for group survival. During the dry season, they guide the herd hundreds of kilometers a day to find water and food.

Sometimes the matriarchs take the group to places they haven’t been in for decades and only they remember.

Elephant with cub

The study, conducted by the NGO Save the Elephants and the University of Colorado, presented these facts after studying several orphaned elephants for 16 years.

Although some orphaned puppies have remained in their former territory, these animals are believed to become much more vulnerable.

Thus, the risk of being victims of hunters is greater after the loss of a matriarch.

Orphan elephants and human pressures

The big problem is that orphaned elephants suffer more from human pressure. Illegal hunting harms them, as do activities such as agriculture or road building.

They limit their access to food and put them through risky areas. Other human conflicts cause enormous losses to the species. And we must remember that wars also affect animals.

Matriarchs are the most prepared to deal with these new problems. So,  the loss of older elephants can cause orphaned elephants to wander aimlessly. Furthermore, the entire herd can starve to death.

They are the ones who know the risks and needs of moving to another location. As a result,  elephants that lose their leaders are more likely to make mistakes that can cause them to lose their lives.

elephant with her cub

Can elephants live as orphans, without a mother?

As incredible as it sounds, these orphaned elephants adapt to live without their group leaders.

However, this is more complicated when the loss of adults includes animals that have recently had young.

These animals need expert care and breast milk, which is why elephant sanctuaries have been vitally important.

The best known is that of Daphne Sheldrick, the recently deceased legendary conservationist.

This woman saved hundreds of baby rhino and elephant, all victims of illegal trafficking and poaching for ivory or other body parts, to supply the oriental medicine market.

However, regardless of whether or not these animals can live without a mother, the truth is that human actions are endangering elephant populations.

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