Tired Of The Excessive Barking And Meowing?

Tired of the excess of barking and meowing?

Don’t you think it’s wonderful to come home after a long day at work, relax and have a good time with your pet? However, the  what happens when the barking or meowing not let you enjoy your relaxation?

This type of behavior is also very common when you try to sit at the table to eat or a visitor arrives at home.

But then how can I avoid this annoying behavior? What should I do to change my pet’s behavior? Below, we share some tips that can help.

Why are some animals so noisy?

Dog and cat

Sometimes it is thought that only dogs are noisy, but that is a mistake . Cats are also quite talkative, even more so those belonging to the Siamese breed.

But why do pets talk so much? So we think dogs are related to wolves, and wolves bark.

Cats are related to wild cats. In both, domestication allowed these wild sounds to become an eternal and, at times, soft vocalization: the barks and meows.

So, when animals make sounds they speak to each other? In the case of cats, a study revealed that it is not very common for cats to respond to the meowing of their partners. However, they reserve part of their vocabulary to communicate with their owners.

In fact, dogs and cats are more focused on body language, until we add the human element, which makes these animals bark or meow and, of course, at certain times it becomes a little unbearable. However, this ability is to get attention.

One study indicated that cat meows, for example, adapt to the human ear. Research has shown that pussies can produce tone-modulated meows.

How to deal with a very, very talkative dog or cat?

Meowing cat

The problem with your dog is that whenever you’re sitting at the table, he starts walking around and barking? So change this behavior! In that sense, the first thing you should do is detect why he barks, what motivates him to do that?

Once you notice that this behavior is very recurrent, it’s time to start modifying it. You can experiment by serving your pet’s meal at the same time as you are going to eat, but in a separate container for your pet to eat.

If you see that he has been letting you eat and that, little by little, he has changed this behavior, then you should reward and remember: nothing better to reinforce this behavior than a good snack.

Another option is that you give the reward  only when he is  silent. If he’s barking, wait for him to be silent before giving the gift. Apply this technique for 10-minute intervals. If he remains seated, reward him with several snacks.

The idea of ​​this type of training is for the animal to respond in silence. In this way, he will have incorporated the conditioning and will learn that this is the right way to get something in return.

You’ll notice that it won’t take him long to get used to this behavior, and you’ll notice that once he does, you’ll be able to eat quietly, quietly, without having to listen to annoying barking.

In the case of a cat, maybe the strategy can vary a little. In general, cats, when they meow, want food, caresses or just demand your attention, just like dogs.

So they meow at the door and when you open the door they leave immediately, but after several seconds it will definitely come back and just meow and meow… Apparently for no reason, but what they want is your attention .

As with dogs, we can train cats to be silent. To achieve this, you should pet it and use some of your favorite treats: snacks or canned food.

Is easy. As soon as he’s silent, pet him, pay attention, and make sure your pet doesn’t start meowing again. And don’t forget: as with dogs, if you’re constant, your feline is sure to learn fast.

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