The Importance Of The Cow In India

It’s amazing to see these animals on the streets of this country, which roam freely and are worshiped as if they were gods. In fact, this treatment is due to its effectiveness in cultivating fields. 
The importance of the cow in India

Everyone knows that the cow in India is a sacred and untouchable animal, but why? We are sure that this is a tradition that dates back to very ancient times and today we are going to find out where it comes from. Stay with us to find out the answer.

the cow in india

If you had to look for an animal that was a symbol of India, it would undoubtedly be the cow. It is not strange to see the inhabitants of any Indian locality walking with cows dressed in the best fabrics in vivid and intense colors. In addition, these animals can roam freely in the markets, on the streets and it is even forbidden to take them outside if they enter a store. In addition, those who are in the store at these times will feel privileged to have your visit.

The reality is that the cow is not worshiped by the Hindus, but they have gods that look like this animal, although they are certainly highly respected. These are some of the reasons that seem to indicate why:

  • Better alive than dead. The  Hindus  see the usefulness of this animal alive, but do not even think about what would be killed. The live cow is an incredible driving force in the fields, as in India there are many cultures, and the cow plays an important role in this work. On the one hand, your urine serves as manure, which is a considerable saving. Milk is an essential food for the diet, in addition to butter and yogurt. A cow can offer this for many years, whereas if it were killed to eat its meat, it would hardly last a day.
  • In Hinduism,  the  cow  is superior to the human because it is believed that humans were once cows. It is also a symbol of Mother Earth and her abundance.


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Cow Treatment in India

Almost every Indian family has a cow at home as if it were a member of the family. It’s like other countries where you have a dog or a cat.

In ancient times, bulls were sacrificed to the gods, but cows were untouchable. In fact, the meat of the bulls was eaten, although that tradition later changed. This is because cows have the ability to provide very useful foods and substances. And so, with the introduction of Jainism into the Hindu world, it was proclaimed that killing a cow would be as serious as killing a priest.

There is an annual celebration in which Indians worship the cows by giving them a bath and decorating the temple  where she will be present, and on that day they pray to the gods asking to keep her alive.

cow in india

Milk from cows is considered the purest Indian food, another reason cows are treated with great respect. However, bulls, since it was forbidden to eat their meat, are respected in the same way,  but they do not have the same meaning as cows.

Cows are common on the roads, and cars cannot honk or disturb them, they must wait for them to come out whenever they want. Furthermore, cows are given priority to cross the street, and needless to say, they are protected by law.

As you can see, the importance of the cow in India is more a practical issue than a religious one, but that doesn’t diminish its importance. If you plan to travel around India, remember all this, so you don’t get into trouble.

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