What To Do If A Dog Attacks You?

What to do if a dog attacks you?

Without realizing it, a dog can come close and try to bite us. This can happen when we are at the park, riding a bike or walking around our neighborhood. In this article, we’ll tell you  what to do if a dog attacks you.

Tips on what to do if a dog attacks you

On some occasions that we cannot predict, dogs become dangerous. Dog bites are more common than we think. So we’ll give you some advice on what to do if a dog attacks you:

1. Don’t panic

They say that  dogs have the ability to smell the fear and nervousness of the people. If you scream, run or get agitated, the animal will become more aggressive and may attack you, believing you to be a threat. Therefore, the ideal thing to do is to remain quiet, take a deep breath and let the dog calm down (or let the owners pick him up).

2. don’t move

When a dog approaches with the clear intention of attacking, it is essential not to make any sudden movements. Don’t try to scare or frighten him, it will be even worse. The best you can do in these cases is to remain still, with your hands pinned to your body, and look away. Act like a tree or a power pole.

3. Don’t run

Again, you need to understand that  the dog sees your escape as a threat and  will therefore follow you as he does when he wants to capture a bird or an insect. And remember that he can be faster than you and bite you without you noticing.

4. Distract the animal

If you have an object on hand or nearby, try to throw it away so the animal will pick it up. When the animal is paying attention to something else, retreat. A bottle of water in your backpack, a branch or some food can help a lot.

5. Give some orders

Another posture you can adopt to prevent a dog from attacking is facing the situation. To do this,  you must feel very sure of yourself and say with authority to stop, get out of there, and calm down. Speak in a deep, strong voice, as imperative as possible. Don’t look into your eyes.

6. Defend yourself only if necessary

When the dog moves from barking and grunting to the clear intention of biting, you can defend yourself. Throw him something that isn’t too heavy for him to get away from you. Do not hit or punch your pet, as this will hurt it and could injure you.

7. Take advantage

Use all your weight to subdue the animal so it can’t bite you. Adopt an advantageous posture, such as placing one leg on top of the animal.

8. throw yourself to the ground

A good technique to prevent a dog from biting you is to drop to the ground, curl up  in a “ball”, cover your face, chest and throat with your arms and hands, and your stomach with your legs and knees. In many cases, this can be enough for the animal to leave you alone. Or, if he bites you, he won’t put your life at risk.

9. walk slowly

If you notice that a dog is approaching you with the clear intention of biting you, the best you can do is walk around it as slowly as possible. No sudden movements.

10. Analyze the warning signs

If you already know that there is a dangerous dog on the corner of your house, do your best not to pass by there. See if there are signs in the houses that warn about the pets that attack and avoid passing these doors on foot. Talk to the pet’s owner if you’ve been attacked more than once.

And  if you are unable to avoid the attack and are bitten by a dog, you should go to a doctor immediately. Don’t forget to consult the dog’s owners to find out if he has all the vaccinations up to date and if he has any illnesses. The worst threat is rabies, a deadly and incurable disease if not detected and treated in time.

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