3 Tips For Making Your Cat More Sociable

3 tips for making your cat more sociable

Does your cat get along well with you and the rest of the human inhabitants of the house, but doesn’t give a damn about visitors or other animals? Today we are going to give you 3 pieces of advice for your cat to be more sociable.

Patience as a tool for your cat to be more sociable

cats and duenos

The main cause that causes your cat to have problems relating to strangers is the lack of socialization during the first years of life. It is very likely that the furry, as a puppy, did not have enough contact with other people besides family members, nor with other cats or animals of other species.

At this point, you may be wondering if this problem is solvable. Of course! But  you must have a lot of patience to get your cat to be more sociable.

Therefore, we present below some tips that will help you.

“Although it seems difficult, it is not impossible to make your cat get along well with visitors or other animals. We will tell you how to achieve this, even if the animal was not socialized when it was small.”

1. Make your feline feel safe

The first step is to make the animal trust its surroundings. For this, give him a lot of affection and encourage him with all kinds of games.

So, without overloading it:

  • pet
  • Speak to him in a soft, caring tone
  • brush your fur

Also, keep in mind that  play helps the cat to be more sociable and further develop its curiosity and natural intelligence.

But remember that not all cats need the same level of attention. So watch it carefully and you’ll be able to determine whether the pet feels safe in its human family home or whether you should continue to strengthen the bond.

2. Don’t rush or force the cat to be sociable with people 

If your cat is not sociable enough, it will most likely run off to hide somewhere where it feels safe when the doorbell rings or hears strange voices. The worst thing you can do in these cases is to force the animal to stay close to the visitors. If you give the cat time, perhaps curiosity will lead him, sooner or later, to get closer and see who these beings are that roam his territory.

If it doesn’t show up after a while, you can pick it up and bring it closer to where the visitors are. But remember that cats hate loud sounds, and at friend gatherings, people often speak in a louder tone. And it will be much worse if, between visits, there are noisy children. So give the furry time and let him decide how and when to relate to the visits

The ideal is that, every time you go to receive people at home, if the feline does not go by itself to check who the strangers are, you pick him up and bring him to the meeting place. In this way,  little by little, you will see how the feline will become familiar with other humans and will stop hiding whenever it receives visitors.

3. Take your purring friend for a walk

cat with collar

If all goes well and the cat doesn’t run away from strangers, it’s time to try taking a few more steps. How about going out for a walk with your cat? This is a great opportunity for you to explore different environments and interact with other people and animals. But you should gradually get him used to this new routine.

Unlike dogs, felines don’t need regular walks. They can live quietly indoors. But of course, for this they must be properly neutered.

If your pussy is excited about the possibility of going out into the street, don’t forget to always take it with a special collar for cats. That way you’ll prevent him from escaping if something scares him. The animal’s vaccination schedule must also be up to date. Check with your trusted veterinarian if any additional vaccinations are needed so that the animal can walk on the street.

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