The New Focus On Animal Rights In Colombia

The new focus on animal rights in Colombia

There are many people who do not see animals as living beings with feelings, but rather as things. This generates abandonment, mistreatment and that there are no legal penalties for those who mistreat animals to pay for their actions. But more and more animal rights advocates are struggling to bring about big changes. This is the case of Colombia, a country of great extension where animals of different species, origins and races live. It all started with Lilia Sanín, a lawyer who was willing to fight for animal rights in Colombia.

Lilia Sanín and her new approach to animal rights in Colombia

animal in the grass

Lilia Sanín’s main objective was that they would come to recognize animals as beings with feelings and not as things.

In this way, the penalties for abandonment and ill-treatment would be hardened and the animals regarded as beings with feelings, so that they could enjoy special protection from the state.

When Lilia Sanín was asked why she was doing this, she verbatim told Colombian newspapers:

“In my particular case, being able to legally defend animals is an opportunity that I consider as a form of gratitude to those who were my unconditional companions during my life, and being able to use my profession as a way to help them be seen as living beings and not objects of cruelty and indifference is a great gift” .

How animal rights are treated in Colombia

In Colombia, animal abuse has always been considered a crime, but very light. In cases of ill-treatment, the person was just called to the police, gave a statement and nothing else.

This was supported by Law 84 of 1989, which states that the legal status of animals in the country is of things and not of living beings with feelings.

These laws provide for the mistreatment and abandonment of animals in the country.

But all that changed thanks to the initiative of Lilia Sanín.

New Animal Rights Laws in Colombia

In a meeting where the topic was discussed, they started talking about bullfights and they recognized that they should have been banned a long time ago.

At this meeting, the pertinent legal arrangements were made so that animals would appear as beings with feelings and not as things, in addition to ordering the following precepts that everyone must obey and that anyone who does not do so will be punished by law:

dog behind bars

  • Animals must be kept in a hygienic, ventilated and well-conditioned place, where they can move freely and have good light;
  • Offer food, drink, medicines and the necessary medical attention in a continuous and abundant manner, so as to ensure the good physical and emotional health of any animal;
  • If the climate so requires, the necessary protection from the cold should be provided as well as a warm place for them to stay;
  • Do not harm an animal, whether with blows, burns, stab wounds or any other type of ill-treatment;
  • Do not kill an animal for futile reasons;
  • Do not kill an animal by prolonging its death or agony. This includes slaughterhouses, which must strictly follow state regulations to put to death the many animals that will be destined for human consumption. The slaughter of these animals should be done in a dignified manner and as soon as possible;
  • Do not use animals for fights.

Colombia’s new animal rights law extends to hundreds of other precepts that guarantee animal welfare and that will make Colombia a country where animals can live in peace.

Like Colombia, Spain has also toughened its penalties against ill-treatment. We at “ My Animals” wish this to be a precedent for a better world filled with healthy and happy animals.

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