Types And Sizes Of Chickens

These birds are so numerous that there is a wide variety of breeds, types and sizes of chickens.
Types and Sizes of Chickens

Chickens are the most numerous birds in the world, with an estimated population of over 16 million individuals, between males and females. Currently, we observe a great diversity in terms of types and sizes of chickens, domestic or wild.

Currently,  there are hundreds of types and sizes of chickens distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Among them, we find 27 types native to Spain, each with unique characteristics.

Types and sizes of chickens: a brief overview

The expansion and diversification of chickens around the world is mainly due to the exploitation of their meat and eggs for human consumption.

Below, we invite you to discover the different types and sizes of chickens, organized according to the best known.

Types of small and dwarf chickens

Brahma dwarf chicken

It is a miniature version of Brahma chickens,  obtained by English and German breeders; but with Asian origins.

After the success of Brahma chickens in Europe, many breeders adopted them as the basis for new European breeds.

Brahma dwarf chicken

Its body is rounded, with a prominent face and head. Its red and feathery cheeks also stand out.

Its plumage can have different shades,  the most famous being partridge and white.

Japan silk

Silky Japan is a small sized chicken breed; according to some experts, it could eventually be considered dwarf. They are also known internationally as black silk chickens.

silky chicken from japan

Its body is short and rounded, as is its head, with soft feathers. Currently,  five varieties are recognized for this breed, according to the pattern of their plumage: black, white, silver gray, blue and wild.

Padua chicken

Also known as Padovana,  Padova chickens form a dwarf breed originating in Great Britain. The first specimens were obtained from Padua, a large breed.

Padua chicken

Originally they were bred for the exploitation of their meat, so they retained some hardiness. However, today it  is a luxury breed aimed primarily at exhibitions.

One of their most peculiar characteristics is that  they do not tolerate water; therefore they must not get wet. Your sanitization must be dry and a type of siphon is used to provide water for these birds.

Types of large size chickens

the Brahma hen

This is one of the most outstanding types of chickens in the world,  thanks to its size and robustness. In fact, it is one of the largest birds that can be found in chicken coops.

His body is robust, rustic in style and broad, with a large chest and prominent abdomen.

Brahma hen

Originally, it  was a wild chicken that was domesticated for the exploitation mainly of its meat. 

Currently, its breeding is very widespread, as it is a resistant and versatile breed, which can adapt to different types of climates and terrains.


These chickens of French origin stand out for their large size and a very docile temperament. In addition to their well-developed muscles, they also have short feathers, which makes them even more robust.

chicken faverolles

One of its striking features is that  its plumage can present very beautiful patterns : they combine white and black with salmon tones.

Plymouth Rock

This American breed is considered to be medium to large. Its creation occurred from selective crosses between Asian and Dominican chickens; possibly also with the participation of Spanish chickens.

plymouth rock hen

It is a rustic chicken,  which can have different shades in its plumage, such as white, black, partridge, reddish, etc.

Furthermore, in many individuals the beautiful silver, yellow or green reflections stand out, which makes them even more impressive.

Mos Hen

The Mos hen is a breed native to Spain, which originated in Galicia. It is a large and robust bird, with a broad and imposing chest, whose plumage is highlighted by orange or yellowish tones.

mos hen chicken

In Spain, it is very common to find them in chicken coops, as they lay a good amount of eggs and are quite flexible.

Another prominent feature of this breed of chicken is that it is well adapted to winters; therefore  lower temperatures will not interfere with egg laying.

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