How To Raise A Cat Correctly

How to raise a cat correctly

There is a myth that cats are uncontrollable, which is not true at all. What happens is that there is a confusion of terms, it is one thing to educate a cat to achieve a healthy and peaceful coexistence with him and the members of his household, and another thing to train him to do tricks. Both are possible, but education is indispensable, while training may be optional. Below, we’ll give you some advice on  how to educate your cat.

First, you should take into account certain elements that you should consider:

how to raise a cat

Gato perseguindo uma borboleta

1- To use the sandbox

This is vitally important for people who share a small space with their cat, for example an apartment, or if the cat cannot leave the house. Hygiene is something that must be guaranteed within the coexistence between anyone and their pet. Excrement and misplaced urine can be, in addition to being very uncomfortable, outbreaks of bacteria and other related problems. That’s why it’s important to teach the cat how to use his litter box.

To teach your cat how to use the litter box, you should place it in a place that is easily accessible and ventilated to avoid bad smells, then place the cat in it to let him explore and feel comfortable with. Is it over there. Cats like to do their necessities on the ground or in the sand, so it won’t be difficult for them to adapt to using it. You can put him in the box after he wakes up, after he’s eaten, or when you see him doing his business elsewhere. It will only be a matter of time before you get used to using it often.

2- So it doesn’t bite or scratch

It may sound incredible, but cats can be real biters, not to mention their sharp nails. If you haven’t raised your cat to scratch or bite, your hands will have already suffered the consequences. Because of the hierarchy roles, it is normal for a cat to bite or scratch when you have excessive contact with him, however it is not normal for you to do so on any occasion or to cause you any injury.

If you want to prevent your cat from scratching, you should get him used from a puppy to physical contact, as well as socializing with other people and animals. You have to understand that the cat will tell you when it wants to be touched and when it doesn’t want you to get close, part of the relationship with cats is to understand their mood and their language. Try to caress him often when he is relaxed, try to make gentle caresses on the head, chin and back, avoid the belly, this area is very sensitive, and caresses can cause some pain.

3- Do not sharpen your nails on your furniture

Gato cortando as unhas

Cats use claws on objects as a way of marking territory, so they will leave visual trails to other animals. Therefore, this will be a little difficult for them, especially if it is a behavior that has become continuous. The best you can do is buy a scraper or give him something so the cat can file his nails and teach him how to use it. When you see him scratching his nails in a place where he shouldn’t, scold him by saying “NO!”; or by sprinkling it with a little water. After that, you can take him to the scraper to let him know that this is the proper place to do this.

You will need some patience and remember not to use violence on them as this will make them suspicious. If you prefer to use words (No! Stop!), it is best to always use the same words.

4- To allow you to brush it

You will avoid many of your cat’s health problems if you brush your cat frequently. Although this is a real inconvenience, if your cat is not used to it. Frequently use a special cat brush that matches your fur type. You can include brushing in the petting rituals so the cat will feel comfortable and at ease while being groomed.

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