A Young Man Gives Homeless Dogs Their First Hug

Emmy Panu is a young Thai man who created the “The First Hug” campaign. Your goal is to transmit love to homeless dogs in your country through a first hug. His promotional video caused a furor and has already received nearly 2.5 million views on YouTube.

He doesn’t have a foundation, funds or even a shelter. However, that doesn’t stop the humble teenager from helping an emergency population: homeless dogs.

His contribution is not economical, but it is not insignificant, especially for the puppies he comes in contact with. Emmy simply gives them a hug, probably the first these little friends have ever received.

Complicated task with homeless dogs

But Emmy encounters many considerable obstacles and dangers. As you can see from his video, some dogs he tries to approach are reluctant, defensive, and even trying to bite.

This animal manifestation is quite understandable, as many of these dogs were subjected to cruel abuse. Some have not even had the opportunity to establish bonds of trust with human beings.

But Emmy also managed to get along with some dogs, showing that, more than material goods, what they need is attention and someone to trust within the confines of Bangkok’s darkest streets.

What most people don’t know is that Thailand can be hell for stray dogs . To give you an idea, this nation is also called “the country of stray dogs”.

Thailand: the worst place for homeless dogs

It is estimated that More than 300,000 dogs roam the streets of the Thai capital . This is very discouraging as there is no clear record of the number of stray dogs that exist across the country.

The abundance of these animals has long led to the creation of one of Thailand’s most lucrative and terrifying businesses: dog smuggling for human consumption. In a place where all that’s left are stray dogs, a single unit can generate a very small profit, equivalent to 2 euros.

That’s why smugglers have to kidnap large numbers of these animals to generate reasonable profits. The more experienced ones reach an average of 2,000 dogs, which end up being cooked in a busy restaurant in Vietnam.

To top it off, they even steal domestic dogs from their owners’ doors. Adopters need to make great efforts to care for their beloved pets.

From young to dog hero

It is in this context that Emmy Panu carries out her risky work. It does this with great courage, despite the fact that much of the country’s dog population is infected with rabies.

The best thing is that you don’t have to be a resident of Thailand to do this. Anywhere, there’s always a stray dog ​​that requires a little cuddling.

Monarchy and canine inequality

It is known that the royal family of Thailand had rulers who loved dogs. In 2015, the former king Bhumibol Adulyadej built a monument in memory of Thong Daeng. This was his last dog, which lived to be 17 years old.

He died on October 13, 2016. This brought his son Maha Vajiralongkorn to the throne. His successor named his little poodle Foo Foo a  Marshal of the country’s Air Forces .

Furthermore, the Asian government has done little or nothing to protect the vast population of stray dogs . These are already part of Bangkok’s cultural heritage. This speaks of a situation of canine inequality that has no precedent.

Example to be followed

Emmy shared some results of her experience: “I got into discussions about body language and talking about stray dogs.” At the time of interaction, not everyone was friendly. But others just jumped into his arms.

World-renowned organizations such as Peta or the Animal Humane Society trust that the only effective formula to contain the proliferation of stray dogs is neutering.

Image source: www.vanguardia.com.mx

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