A Young Man Risked His Life To Save A Dog

A young man risked his life to save a dog

In times when news of criminal organizations stealing pets or organizing dog fights is common, it ‘s always good to know that there are people who are capable of risking their lives to save a dog. The story we will tell today took place in Peru. It was in the midst of floods and floods that devastated some regions of the country recently.

Learn how a young man managed to rescue a dog trapped in a  huaico

The case took place in the region of Ponta Negra, a coastal city south of Lima. A dog was dragged by the waters of the Huaycoloro and Rímac rivers. The poor boy  remained trapped in the huaico that affected this spa.

For those who don’t know, a huaico is a flood. It is a local term originating in the Quechua language.

When he learned of the situation, a young man did not think twice and threw himself into the mass of mud and stones that had overflowed the rivers.

With great difficulty, he made his way to the edge of the sea. There was the little animal, very scared and not knowing what to do. With great courage, the young man took the dog and took him to a safe place. The heroic act took place to applause from the residents who accompanied the rescue.

An unsung hero who wasn’t afraid to save a dog from death

A rescue team had tried to rescue the furry man moments before. But the little animal, perhaps because of the fear that the situation provoked, moved even further away, which ended up frustrating the operation.

It was at that moment that the unknown hero acted. Without measuring the risks he would suffer, he managed to save the dog trapped in a huaico.

The images were captured by a television channel that covered the natural disaster that affected the Andean country. If you want to know how the young man rescued the animal, here is the video.

Animals, silent victims of catastrophes

Since mid-January 2017, the meteorological phenomenon known as “El Niño Costeiro” has been affecting Peru and Ecuador. In Peruvian territory, rains, avalanches and floods affect mainly the northern and central regions of the country.

Until March, 98 deaths were counted, almost 900 thousand people were affected and great losses to agriculture and livestock.

However,  in the statistics compiled to catalog the damage caused by natural disasters or wars, animals are invisible victims. Therefore, it is important to highlight, once again, the young man’s gesture of saving a dog from death.

Stories of pets and earthquakes

Here at My Animals, we think that the stories of animals that were in the midst of tragedies are always worth telling. That’s why we’ll tell you some cases related to the earthquakes that recently hit Ecuador and Italy. For example:

  • Furry ones that survived for days amidst rubble until they were finally rescued.
  • A dog that did not want to move away from its owner’s coffin, deceased because of the earthquake.
  • Another dog that refused to leave its totally destroyed house.

We also talked about the work of various organizations that work to help homeless, injured or disoriented animals on the streets.

Other “heroes” to remember

As we said at the beginning, it  is always good to highlight the collective or individual actions of people who do not hesitate to help animals at risk. In some cases, they even put their own lives at risk. So, just like our Peruvian hero, we can highlight:

  • The Iranian soldier who lost a leg while helping a dog trapped in a fence that delimited a minefield.
  • The young British woman who dove into a frozen lake to rescue a dog that had fallen into its waters when the thin layer of ice covering it broke.
  • Several people who do not hesitate to break the windows of other people’s cars to save a pet about to die of suffocation. Or that they climb over walls of houses to help battered dogs.

Finally, we have the stories of dogs and cats that help us in many ways. But these cases we will tell in the next articles.

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