The Turtle As A Cultural Symbol

Able to live for over 100 years, these marine animals are revered in many cultures. Their longevity, along with their resilience and tenacity in migrations of thousands of miles to spawn, have turned them into a standard of wisdom, movement, patience and skill.
The turtle as a cultural symbol

For some, it may be related to slowness; for others with wisdom, and there are also those who regard the tortoise as a symbol of longevity. In different cultures, this reptile is famous for its carapace and slow walk. It’s worth getting to know him better!

The turtle as a symbol of longevity and wisdom

Did you know that turtles are the oldest animals on our planet? That’s right, as  the oldest fossils of turtles ever found are about 200 million years old.

But that’s not all, as  some subspecies can live longer than 100 years. There were even cases of turtles that turned 150 years old. Although many of them are in danger of extinction, when they are in their natural habitat, they far exceed 50 years of life.

Land turtles are less long-lived than sea turtles. Those raised as pets tend to live longer if they are cared for and fed well.

For this reason, it  is related to longevity and, consequently, to wisdom. In the stories of many children, the turtle is represented as a very old grandmother, who teaches the little ones in the family and tells stories of past times.

turtle in the sand

In ‘real life’ we can say that  these reptiles know how to act in the face of adversity. They accept changes and continue on a daily basis without worrying about the problems or challenges imposed. Without a doubt, this is an excellent lesson we can learn from them.

The turtle as a symbol of movement and creation

When it comes to sea turtles, we often relate them to movement and tenacity.

They  have to travel thousands of miles every year to spawn on the coast; even though a very low percentage of the litter will survive.  It also takes a lot of effort to dig the spawn holes using only your short legs.

It is for this reason that another of the symbols of turtles is that of creation:  in some cultures, it is believed that they gave life to the universe. The shells were used to study star constellations, as they are divided into 13 parts, just like the phases of the moon each year.

tartaruga de galápagos

Over the centuries, these animals have been highly respected on a mythological and religious level. In Japan it is a symbol of good luck, in Greek mythology it is associated with the goddess Aphrodite. Old sailors tattoo her on their arms as they cross  the equator.

The turtle as a symbol of patience

The supposed slowness of these reptiles – which is not quite the case, as they can sometimes be very fast – is related to patience and dexterity. Surely you know the story of the hare and the tortoise, in which the first one challenges the tortoise to a race, believing it will win by hand.

However, the long-eared mammal depended heavily on its speed, and after falling asleep in the forest, he saw how the tortoise reached the goal in front of him. How did she do it? Thanks to your perseverance, commitment and patience. The turtle never gave up!

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