Halter Collar: How To Use It Correctly

The halter collar is an accessory that serves as a very useful and valid teaching method… as long as you know how to use it!
Halter collar: how to use it correctly

When we talk about dog training, there are many methods, some recommended by professionals, which are the most indicated, and others suggested by friends, neighbors and acquaintances because they have already used them. Anyway, what is clear is that we must know them to obtain good results and not harm the physical or emotional health of our dogs. One such method is the halter collar.

Halter collar: what is it?

If this is your first time adopting a pet, you probably don’t know what this type of collar is. Well, let’s tell you everything we know about her.

You may have noticed that you  have problems controlling your dog;  especially on your walks. In fact, sometimes it seems that he is in charge and not the other way around.

When this happens, it is essential to know how to choose a type of collar that helps us to educate our dog. For that there is the halter collar. One of the reasons your dog behaves this way is  because he doesn’t understand his place in the group and thus he considers himself the leader of the pack. Therefore, he believes you should do what he wants, not the other way around.

Cão deitado com coleira
Source: https://notesfromadogwalker.com

It is essential that you correct this attitude as soon as possible, because depending on the type of breed you have adopted, it may even become aggressive towards you or family members. This collar will serve to eradicate these behaviors, but we should always wear it with positive reinforcement and not with shouting or punishment.

How to use the halter collar

As we said at the beginning, it is likely that many acquaintances and friends will want to advise us on certain methods or ways to use this collar, but when it comes to something so delicate, we  recommend that you be advised by a professional.

If the collar is misplaced or misused, you will achieve the opposite goal and not advance at all. So the best way to prevent this from happening is to know how to place it and how to use it accurately. While at first glance this collar might look like a muzzle, it’s not.

Coleira cabresto
Source: https://paws4udogs.wordpress.com

Here are some tips for using it:

  • Do not put on for eight months. While we’ve always said that the best way to teach a pet is when it’s a puppy, you won’t be able to wear a halter collar until eight months of age, regardless of the dog’s breed. Consider that an animal’s bones and muscles need time to develop, and that putting extra pressure on it could hinder its development.
  • They shouldn’t wear it all day long. It is not recommended that a dog wear the collar for more than 18 hours a day. If you want to teach at home, alternate your home and street hours. It goes without saying that the 18 hour maximum is for adult dogs. Also, if you’ve just started putting it on your dog, you should gradually increase the hours.
  • Don’t pull. This collar is to educate the dog with small gestures that tell him where to walk or when to stop. It is not suitable for pulling hard, irritated and grudgingly, as this could hurt your dog.
  • Firm but not tight. Think that the halter collar, as we said before, is not a muzzle. Therefore, you should put it on firmly, but not stop the animal from panting and opening its mouth normally.

Did you like discovering how to use the halter collar? It is a very useful method when teaching your pet certain rules of behavior. But remember:  all teaching must be based on love and respect. Ever!

Main image source: https://vcahospitals.com

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