Martingale Collar For Greyhounds: Good Or Bad?

Martingale collar for greyhounds: good or bad?

The martingale collar for greyhounds is a type of collar that causes pain and injury to dogs. There are other alternatives for safe dog handling.

Among the greyhound or lebrel dogs, there are some of the mistreated breeds par excellence. These races have more protectors specialized in them alone than any other race. Greyhounds are dogs that are easy to distinguish by their slender and seemingly fragile body shape.

Many of them have experienced abuse and abandonment. It is very difficult to find such a dog that is not afraid. We are used to seeing them wearing a wide collar, usually with colored fabric. This is a martingale collar   for greyhounds. We must ask ourselves, is it appropriate?

What is a martingale collar  for greyhounds

martingale  is the typical decorated collar worn by greyhounds, wide and made of leather or fabric. It consists of two parts, one of which is fixed and ends in two rings, in which a movable part is hooked. The strap is tied to the mobile part of the collar:  if the dog wearing it pulls the strap, the mobile part squeezes his neck. So if the dog wants to escape, he can’t.

It turns out that the martingale collar   for greyhounds is very easy to find. There are many artisans who make them to size and they can be found in many colorful fabrics.

Greyhound with martingale collar

Why the martingale collar   for greyhounds is used

The main reason this type of collar is worn has to do with two problems:  the unique head-to-neck ratio in greyhounds and the fear many of them have.

With a normal collar, if something happens that scares any other dog breed and makes him try to escape, he doesn’t escape. This is because the neck is much narrower than the head and the collar cannot slip over the ears.

However, greyhounds have a very wide neck in relation to the skull.  So, with any other collar, if they want to escape, they easily escape the owner. As the collar  martingale  for greyhounds  is  tightening on the neck of the dogs in the case of an escape attempt, can not get out.

Why the martingale collar  for greyhounds is inconvenient

What many greyhound owners don’t take into account is that this accessory can harm the animal. We discussed the health problems dogs have with the collar, all of which stem from having their necks pressed for long periods.

This type of collar causes health problems. They almost always appear on dogs that wear punishment (hanger) or training collars. That is, collars that constantly tighten around the neck, like a martingale collar  . However, instead of pressing with metal rings, the martingale collar does this with a strip of fabric. This does not change the fact that the pressure continues to be exerted.

Although martingale collars for greyhounds  have a strain relief or padded fabric, they also tighten the dog’s neck excessively. A very sensitive area on any dog.

Also, some greyhound owners generally lack what we call muscle memory. In other words, sensations or memories that are associated with touch. If in the past the greyhound had the traumatic experience of wearing a collar that tightened its neck, after the abuse, the dog will feel a sense of fear and helplessness whenever something presses on its throat.

Greyhounds with the Martingale collar

Once the fear of the collar sets in, he can hardly forget that memory. As a result, your recovery from abuse will be impossible or much slower and more difficult.  This would not happen with any other type of restriction that we are willing to use.

Alternatives to the martingale collar   for greyhounds

Normal collars do not guarantee the safety of a greyhound, as it would easily escape. However,  normal harnesses don’t look safe either, because of the large chest that greyhounds have.

So-called three-point harnesses or anti-escape harnesses  are increasingly appearing They are normal harnesses, which are hooked around the dog’s chest and ribs, but which have an extra grip point on the lower belly. That is, in the narrowest part of the body.

By that third point, being the shortest range of the three, the dog cannot escape. In case the dog can get rid of the rest of the straps, this third party ensures that the dog cannot escape the collar.

Like the rest of harnesses,  if the dog pulls, the force goes to the chest or ribs. That is, the bones and not the soft and sensitive parts like the neck. Also, the dog  is more controlled than if he were wearing just a collar.

Finally, if the greyhound feels pain, it cannot overcome the damage from the abuse. Thus, you will live scared and sad all your life. Again, it should be emphasized that  the martingale collar   for greyhounds tightens the neck and causes pain. Therefore, the best choice for any breed of greyhound or lebrel dog is a three-point harness. They are very safe in case of an attempt to escape and are also safe for the pet’s health.

Main image source: OmarCurrosSimón

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