Two Dog-friendly Substances

Two dog-friendly substances

They say the dog is man’s best friend, but who are dogs’ best friends? Today, we are not going to talk about relationships between living beings, but about two good companions that dogs have, two substances that help a lot in their health and well-being.

There are many nutrients and substances that our furry friends need. And  two components are extremely important: acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid. You may have heard of them, as their positive effects have been known for some time. However, scientists have only recently tested its action in dogs, since the functioning of the canine brain is similar to ours.

Benefits of L-carnitine, a great friend to dogs

happy or tired dog

L-carnitine is an amino acid whose  function is to transport fat to the place where it will be burned and converted into energy. Although fats are an essential part of our diet and our dogs, they must be transformed into energy to avoid being overweight and, with that, some diseases.

This energy gives us the strength to carry out all our daily activities. In addition, L-carnitine has several other benefits, such as:

  • Burning fat during physical activity.
  • Helps in weight loss, both in humans and dogs. It can be given to people with diabetes or people with spinal injuries or arthrosis.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves heart activity using energy from fat burning.
  • It helps in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
  • Essential for sport dogs, such as hunting, racing, sled pullers, among others.

By burning fat and converting it into energy, the amino acid helps prevent overweight and cardiovascular disease, decrease body fat and strengthen the immune system. As a natural component of semen, L-carnitine also increases fertility.

The Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid for Dogs

Alpha lipoic acid is one of the most beneficial antioxidants for dogs,  playing a key role in our pet’s health.

Antioxidants help fight free radicals, molecules or atoms that cause our bodies to age. Therefore, these substances:

  • They help the immune system.
  • They reduce the risk of arthritis, cardiovascular disease, hip dysplasia, respiratory problems and even cancer.
  • Prevent eye problems such as cataracts or blindness.
  • Prevents and treats coat infections.

This antioxidant so important to the health of our four-legged friend can be found in fruits, vegetables and legumes. Make sure your dog has enough of these foods in his daily diet. If you prefer, talk to your veterinarian to recommend another brand of feed or a vitamin supplement rich in alpha lipoic acid.

Studies that prove the effect of these antioxidants

happy life with your dog

Recent work published in the journal FASEB demonstrated the effect that antioxidants have on canine health.

For the study, old-age Beagle dogs were used and their job was to find pieces of food marked with a yellow clip. At the end of the experiment, 66% of the animals that took alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine supplements resolved the test without problems.

Among the dogs that remained on a normal diet, only 33% completed the tests. The longer the animals had been trained, the more the success rate increased among those taking the supplement.

These compounds have already been shown to improve memory and energy levels in other animals. The new study, however, showed that the two substances also help to learn new things more easily. As we’ve seen in this article, everything gets easier with these compounds. But remember to always talk to your veterinarian before offering your puppy a nutritional supplement, even if it is natural.

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