How Many Types Of Dogue Are There?

How many types of dane are there?

The dogue (also called a dogo) are a type of dog with a strong, broad body, round head, short fur and drooping lips. The specimens of dane are also known as “sand molossos” or “prey dogs”.

Next, we’ll tell you how many types of dane there are and their main characteristics.

types of dogue

The dogue dogs (name that derives from the English “dog”, which means dog) can be divided into two groups:

  • On guard (heavy)
  • Alans (light)

In some cases, they carry the word Mastiff in their name. In total, it can be said that there are about 20 types of dogue in the world. Let’s see some below:

Argentinian Great Dane

1. Great Dane

The Great Dane is a large dog, originally from these Spanish islands. The first reports regarding this animal are from the 16th century.

This dog has always been used to protect cattle,  although in some cases they were used as “butchers”. Even robust and squishy, ​​it is very agile.

2. Dogue de Bordeaux

Of French origin, this dog belongs to the large mastiffs. It is one of the types of dogue with more strength and potency. His character is firm and determined, and that is why he is always employed as a guardian.

It is an ancient race that was used to hunt and fight in arenas. Its origins are believed to date back to the Celts.

3. Dogo Sardo (or from Sardinia)

Also called Pastore Fonnese (because he was born in the town of Fonni) he is an excellent guardian of farms and cattle. It was used by the Italian Navy during the trips to Libya (Africa) in 1912.

This specimen has a hard coat, and can measure up to 60 cm. He has an expression in his eyes that can be intimidating.

4. Guatemalan Great Dane

Guatemalan Dogo

It is a very “new” dog, as it first appeared in the 90s. However, it appears between the crossbreeding of Boxer, Dalmatian, and English Bull Terrier breeds, in 1890.

It is bright white in color, with some brown spots. The head is square, has slightly drooping lips, and the jaw has a scissor bite.

5. Majorcan Great Dane

Ca de Bou,  in Catalan, this molosso is related to the Great Dane and dates from 1229. Its function was to grab an ox until it was sacrificed. Later, it was used in dog fights.

Fortunately, nowadays it is a guardian and familiar dog. It has a calm, affectionate character, and is faithful to its owner. It doesn’t bark much and it’s well balanced.

6. Argentinian Great Dane

It is one of the best known breeds in the Argentine territory . This specimen was created in 1920 by a doctor who wanted an animal for hunting pumas, foxes and wild boar. It was also used as a fighting dog.

It is white in color, has a large head, with a massive skull, uplifted ears, and its weight varies between 45 and 55 kg (adult male). Works well as a team and serves as a rescue or military dog.

7. Great Dane

It is better known as “Grán Danés” in Spanish, but it also belongs to the dogue group. Large in size, it is called “The Apollo of the Dogs”. There’s something strange about your walk and your movements.

Great Dane

He has a strong, muscular body and was made famous by the character Scooby Doo. It is friendly, gentle, gets on well with other dogs, is non-aggressive and can be trained without problems.

8. Dogue Inglês

Better known as English Mastiff. Its origins date back to the 6th century BC (it is believed that the Phoenicians took it to British lands at this time).

He was used as a gladiator in arenas, guardian of herds, protectors and bodyguards. It was almost extinct in World War II, but thanks to importation into Canada and the United States, the breed was saved.

other types of dogue

  • Danes
  • Cane Corso
  • Bulldog
  • bullmastiff
  • Tosa Inu
  • alano spanish
  • Brazilian queue

As we can see, in general, the dane is characterized by being a dog whose main characteristics are robustness, high weight and obstinacy. Strong and even historic, this dog undoubtedly has many attractions.

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