Advice On Avoiding The Smell Of The Litter Box

Advice to avoid the smell of the litter box

If you have one or more cats in the house, you might go crazy thinking about how to avoid the litter box stench. Surely you’ve tried everything, and you’ve found that even though you try hard to clean daily, the task is not successful. Well, here we will teach you the best tricks to finally make this unpleasant smell disappear.

How to avoid cat litter box smell

Do not freak out. First, you need to understand that the litter box is your pet’s bathroom, and that they can’t clean it themselves. We understand that it is impossible to change the sand on a daily basis, but with some very interesting tricks, you will be able to avoid the smell of the box that bothers you so much and that can permeate the house.

change the sand frequently

It is noteworthy that, even if the sand is cheap, we understand that changing it every day would be a huge expense that you possibly cannot afford.


This frequency should be at least twice a week if you have a cat. If you have two or more and they use the same litter box, you’re more likely to have to change it three or four times a week.

Collect your “little things”

With a plastic bag that you will close later, remove your kitten’s feces whenever you can. We know you might be working or doing other things and you can’t get them out right away, but get used to looking at the box when you get home and pulling out everything you find.

how to collect cat feces

If there is  pee in the sand, and it has not yet gone under the box, you can remove the clumps that have formed and prevent it from soaking into the clean sand.

Clean the litter box from time to time

When you change the sand, clean the box. with bleach or other disinfectant product before adding clean sand. This way, it will be kept well sanitized. Do not forget to rinse and dry it very well so that the smell of the products does not disturb the animals.

buy scented sand

We increasingly find cat litter options on the market. Scented sands are ideal for avoiding the smell of the litter box, as they give off a mild aroma that makes the bad odor take a long time to stand out.

change the sandbox

Your cat’s sand and nails deteriorate the litter box over time. They will create small scratches where the smell of feces and pee can infiltrate. This will be very difficult to fix, so the best idea is to put in a new box.

kitten in the sandbox

You will know better than anyone how often you have to change the box, although it is recommended that it be approximately every six months, or at most a year. So don’t invest too much in a sandbox, as making this exchange will be costly.

use a deodorant

In addition to scented sand, there are sand deodorants on the market that will block bad odor. Even if they make the sand last a little longer, be sure to change it, since, as we said, the deodorant will only “block” the smell, not eliminate it.

Place the sandbox in an open place

If you place the litter box in an open or well-ventilated place, odors will come out more easily. Putting it in a hidden corner with the door closed will only make things ferment and the smell worse.

What did you think of these tips for avoiding the smell of your pet’s litter box? Surely, if you put them all into practice, you will be able to eliminate bad odors and make the most of the bag of sand you will have to buy.


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