Hotel For Dogs, For When Your Pet Is Not Traveling With You

Hotel for dogs, for when your pet is not traveling with you

When we finally go on vacation and travel, sometimes we don’t have the possibility to take our dog with us. For that, we started to think if we could leave him with one of our family members, but they all go on vacation too. So what if we can’t take our dog to travel with us? A hotel for dogs can be the solution.

Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of some people, dog hotels have emerged over the last few decades. We’ll tell you more about them.

What is a hotel for dogs?


A hotel for dogs is a place where we can leave our pets for a few days and where they guarantee the best care for them.

Although there are establishments that are exclusively dedicated to this, there are also veterinarians and clinics that accept some dogs as guests. However, a hotel for dogs has outdoor spaces, there are other animals and they are not “guarded” in a cage, just the opposite of what can happen in a clinic, cold and white.

Possibly you have never heard this or do not know it, but it is certain that close to your home there is a hotel for dogs where you can leave your little friend. The question that arises is: how to choose a good place so that you can rest easy knowing that your great friend will be being well taken care of?

How to choose a good hotel for dogs while on vacation

Unfortunately, as with almost everything else, there are dog hotels that don’t have a good reputation, so knowing how to choose a suitable one is paramount. Follow these advices and you will be successful in your search:

  • Look for reviews on the Internet. When you find out about one, try to find out about it and see what other users say. If you can also chat with users on the same page it would be ideal. If there is no opinion, it could be for two reasons: either it’s a new place, or it’s not very good. In this case, it is best that you go in person.
  • Compare. Don’t take the first place you find. Start with a lot of time in advance to research, look at advantages and disadvantages, prices, and compare among all you find to make a decision.
  • See in person. Don’t just settle for what you see on the Internet, go directly to the site. See the facilities, meet in person, observe how they treat other animals, find out how the space dedicated to your dog will be, etc.
  • Talk to other customers. It is possible that while you are visiting the site, there are other owners. Talk to them and ask about the reputation of the place and about the first time they left their pet there. Hearing good opinions from others will put you at ease.
  • Find out about security measures. Talk to the staff and ask all the necessary questions that come to mind, such as what would happen if a dog attacked yours, if the yard has the possibility of escape, what medical assistance is available in the event of an accident, etc.

And once at the hotel…

When you have already chosen the best hotel for dogs to leave your pet, don’t forget to have everything under control before you leave.


  • Make sure they do n’t change your pet’s diet. If necessary, bring your own food bag and name your dog to avoid confusion.
  • Leave your own water and feed containers. You can leave your dog’s own food and drink containers so that your friend feels as close to home as possible.
  • Do not leave more toys than necessary. This will only lead to more unnecessary responsibility for the hotel staff. They will fill the pet’s room with stuff, taking up space, and it’s possible for other pets to take your toys and end up losing.
  • Inform the hotel staff if your pet has any illness or special needs. Make sure your dog has had all the vaccinations before entering a hotel.
  • Comply with the hosting deadline. If you cannot return in time, due to something unforeseen, let the hotel know as soon as possible so that they are aware of the matter.

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