Why Do Dogs Cry

The truth is that dogs cry because they share physiological reactions similar to humans, now it’s not so clear if they express feelings from it, just as people do.
why dogs cry

If you’ve adopted a puppy for the first time, you may have noticed that your eyes water  and you don’t know why or what to do to help your pet. Sometimes our pets do things that aren’t important, but it’s okay to worry when you don’t have the necessary information, so we’ll tell you why dogs cry.

Do dogs cry or tear?

Surely, you’ve already realized that what happens to your dog is no exception. All dogs have marks under their eyes, as a sign that their tears are there most of the time. One question that arises is whether dogs have the ability to cry or are they just tearing up.

Well, although people who love animals say that dogs, like other species,  have feelingsthey still do n’t have the ability to demonstrate them through crying. The human being is the only species that uses tears to show sadness.

It’s true that if we think about what the concept of “crying” means, it’s just the simple act of shedding tears. And it’s true that  dogs get teary-eyed, but there’s no feeling behind that, so we can’t say that dogs cry, but that they tear.

dog crying

why dogs cry

There are several reasons why dogs cry. These are some of them:

clogged tear

There are many pets that are born with clogged tear ducts, which makes their eyes look watery. As the tear duct cannot expel tears, they accumulate in the eyelids, where they overflow quickly, because they do not have the ability to contain them.

With a little surgery this can be resolved, but many veterinarians do not recommend it,  as it is easy for these channels to clog again in a short time.

the race

Your dog’s breed can influence whether the eyes cry or not, as it determines their shape and influences the amount of tears. Dogs with big eyes tear more than dogs with small eyes. Due to its larger size, the hydration must also be greater, so that the eye will secrete more fluid.


One of the most common causes of canine tearing is conjunctivitis, although it’s easy to recognize because the animal will look different. That is, when the animal tears as part of the cycle of its life and body, but everything will be fine, happy and looking good, but if its eyes cry from conjunctivitis, it will be red, closed and your dog’s mood will be decadent.

basset hound


Another reason dogs cry is allergy, whether food or not. This is a  reaction the body makes as a defense mechanism against what it cannot tolerate.

As with conjunctivitis,  the eyes may look red and swollen, accompanied by sneezing and other symptoms. The best thing in these cases is to go to the vet to determine the cause.

What to do if your dog’s eyes are crying

The first thing you should do is  wash the animal’s eyes with clean water. Once that’s done,  check that there’s nothing inside your eye  that might be causing it to tear. If this is not the case, an infusion of cold chamomile or saline solution will be the ideal complement for a more thorough cleaning and to alleviate your pet’s suffering.

Always remember to be aware of changes in your pet, because acting quickly can benefit your pet a lot. Taking care of them and making their lives easier is our duty, but we do it for love too, right?

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