How To Gain A Stray Cat’s Trust

It is very difficult to overcome the distrust of a feline that lives on the street, especially if he has been mistreated. However, with patience and respecting some rules, it is perfectly possible to win the pussy’s sympathy.
How to gain a stray cat's trust

Any animal that lives on the streets is suspicious, especially if it has suffered abuse in the past. If you want to gain the trust of a stray cat, you’ll need to be patient and follow a few steps. In time, you might even take it home!

Tips for gaining the confidence of a stray cat

It doesn’t matter if you saw him on the street or if he showed up in your backyard. A stray cat will be very skittish and very suspicious, after all, he doesn’t know you. It can be harder to gain the trust of a feline than a dog. But don’t be discouraged. The tips below can help in this situation:

1. Respect his space

Unless the cat is in danger where it is, it is advisable that it stay where it already lives. After all, he feels safe and secure there. Stray cats run away from humans because they may not have had good experiences with them. So show that you’re different.

Respecting the safety space is the first step in gaining a stray cat’s trust. Approach slowly and stop if you notice that the animal is not nervous, meowing or with bristly fur. Little by little, you’ll be able to take a step further without him considering you a threat.

2. feed him

This is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to gain a cat’s trust. But, for this, it is necessary to pay attention to some details. First, choose a food that has a strong smell, such as a can of tuna fish or some damp kibble. Cats love both!

gain the trust of a stray cat

Leave the container in a location near the cat’s shelter and walk away. Don’t keep looking to see if he comes out of hiding. Even if he’s really hungry, he’ll wait until you’re away to eat. Once the animal is eating, do not approach or try to touch it.

A good idea is to feed them at the same time every day, repeating certain behaviors. For example, moving the container of dry food or opening the tuna can in front of it are excellent ways to get attention. You may have to repeat this process for a few weeks before you can get close to it while you’re eating.

3. Get closer and closer

Once the cat comes out of hiding when you offer food, it’s your chance to gain his trust. Walk around, keeping a minimum distance of three meters from the cat. Don’t make any sudden movements, as he may be scared and you will have to start all over again.

gain the trust of a stray cat

4. Speak his language

To gain a stray cat’s trust, we have to act like one. So let him approach you first, allow him to rub against your legs or arms – that’s how cats leave pheromones on objects – and ask for affection.

Cats are very special beings, especially if they have lived on the streets since they were puppies or if they escaped from a house where they were mistreated. Don’t be discouraged and be happy with each advance. You will see that, little by little, he will allow contact. And if you can, before you take him home, stop by the vet for a thorough checkup.

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