Working Dog Breeds

When we think of a dog, the image of a beautiful puppy playing with a child, lying beside us in the living room or walking in the park automatically comes to mind. However, some animals have other tasks to do. In this text, we’ll tell you  what the main working dog breeds are.

What are the “jobs” of working dogs?

Being a working dog doesn’t mean they can do any task. According to their personality, temperament and physical characteristics, they are trained for a specific job. The most frequent are:

1. Police

To be picked up and taken to a country’s police forces, a dog must be specifically trained. Their tasks include protecting agents, chasing and detaining criminals, sniffing out people search objects, rescuing and rescuing people in natural disasters, etc.

2. Detector

Due to their spectacular sense of smell, dogs can be trained to sniff and identify an illegal substance, explosives, residues, animal remains, blood and fur. There are even detecting dogs that can tell if a person has cancer or if their sugar levels have dropped dramatically.

3. Therapy

Zootherapy is increasingly used in hospitals and medical care centers. The animals are trained and certified to accompany patients with cancer and other terminal illnesses, children with autism, suicides, depression, etc.

4. Shepherding

They are responsible for taking different types of cattle (mainly cattle) from one place to another. A sheepdog does not need a specific teaching since, as they say, “it was born for it” (although in some cases it needs to be improved.

5. Service

These are dogs that have been specially trained to help people with disabilities, such as the blind. In many countries, these working dogs can start in public places (transport, markets, banks) while on working hours.

Examples of Working Dog Breeds

According to the characteristics of the animal, it can “serve” for one task or another. These are some of the working dog breeds:

1. Alaskan Malamute

As it is very fast, it is used to carry a sled (along with others of the same race ). It can carry up to 20kg for 70km without getting tired or stopping. The Alaskan Malamute has thick fur, to face adverse weather conditions. It’s called the “Arctic locomotive”.

2. Cattle from Bern

It can be used for different tasks due to its need to be always active. For example, the Boiadeiro de Berna helps with mountain activities, searching and rescuing people, keeping herds of sheep in the countryside safe, and even pulling cars.

3. Doberman

It is said that it is a violent dog, however, it all depends on how it is trained. It is one of the races chosen by police and military entities for its balanced character, its strength and its muscles.

4. Great Swiss Cattle Operator

This robust dog was used in World War II as a pack and draft animal due to its strength. However, in the past, they were already used as “war dogs” (by the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans). They also serve as herd guides.

5. Saint Bernard

When we think of working dogs, this giant with a silly face undoubtedly comes to mind. Tireless with its barrel around its neck, this dog began to gain popularity when the monks of the Hospice of São Bernardo (hence the name) used it to rescue travelers lost in the snow.

Saint Bernard with Barrel

6. Border Collie

It is one of the breeds used for grazing and, in addition, is considered one of the smartest in the world. You have the ability to control cattle, as they say, just by looking. Since the 10th century, he has been a farmer’s best friend for his tireless help with herds.

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